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How far have you gotten in checking your physicians? Hospices have little time left to bulletproof their claims against the new edit requiring that certifying physicians be enrolled in or validly opted out of Medicare. Follow this expert advice to [...]
Regulatory provision could add to your burden. A regulatory proposal that looked like it might increase hospices’ flexibility instead seems destined to add to their headaches. So indicated multiple callers in the Aug. 30 Medicare Open Door Forum for home [...]
Don’t let these changes become an October surprise. The 2024 update to ICD-10-CM isn’t large as a whole, but there is a lot in it that will affect oncology coding. From some new benign neoplasm codes to new family history [...]
More data collection surrounding health equity may be on the horizon. Medicare is weighing a number of changes to the hospice landscape both large and small, and now is your window to give feedback on them. The Centers for Medicare [...]
Question: I recently read an article about the potential benefits orthobiologics for patients recovering from damaged tendons. Do you have any examples of the use of this up-and-coming treatment option? Pennsylvania Subscriber Answer: A study published in the Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine on [...]
More travel time means more difficulty recruiting and retaining staff. Adding to rural providers’ burdens are sky high gas prices and disproportionately high mileage requirements of staff. “The nation is experiencing a well-documented increase in gas prices,” notes Amedisys Inc. [...]
Remember: You should report N35.028 for females only. Reporting ICD-10-CM codes can be very challenging since you have to consider many different details from the documentation. Coding urethral strictures is no exception. You must know what type of urethral stricture [...]
Hint: CY 2021 MPFS payments are impacted. After months of stalling, Congress finally passed a COVID relief bill late last month. Several of the law’s provisions concern Medicare, offering Part B providers much-needed assistance. Read on for the breakdown. Now: Following [...]
Hint: Changes impact 2021 MPFS payments. With COVID-19 numbers skyrocketing, the feds hammered out a last-minute deal with a plethora of goodies for Medicare providers. Read on for the details. Backtrack: Originally, in its calendar year (CY) 2021 Medicare Physician [...]
Are you taking advantage of the flexibilities CMS has offered? No one can say Medicare officials aren’t working to help make hospice lives’ easier under COVID-19, with a steady stream of waivers coming out. In addition to the first waivers [...]
No more scouting the Web for CMS info. Instantly search across Medicare manuals, transmittals, related CMS documents, and more from one page with DRG Coder.