
Destruction Procedures on the Penis CPT® Code range 54050- 54065

The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code range for Surgical Procedures on the Penis 54050-54065 is a medical code set maintained by the American Medical Association.

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CPT® Code Range 54050- 54065
Destruction Procedures on the Penis
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January 01, 1970
[QUOTE="SharonCollachi, post: 475866, member: 654943"] 46910 Destruction of lesion(s), anus (eg, condyloma, papilloma, molluscum contagiosum, herpetic vesicle), simple; electrodesiccation ADDITIONAL... [ Read More ]
46910 Destruction of lesion(s), anus (eg, condyloma, papilloma, molluscum contagiosum, herpetic vesicle), simple; electrodesiccation ADDITIONAL GUIDELINE: [U]For destruction of lesion(s) in specifi... [ Read More ]
My provider performed cyrosurgery and chemical destruction to the same 3 penis condylomas. What code would you recommend? Thanks for your help.... [ Read More ]
Use 17110/17111 for destruction of warts anywhere in the ano/genital pubic area (including the scrotum) OTHER than on the main shaft/structure of the penis itself. For warts destroyed on the penis ... [ Read More ]
[b]Excision of Penile Lesion[/b] Here is some information on coding these types of lesions: Whether you should report 11424 (Excision, benign lesion including margins, except skin tag [unless liste... [ Read More ]
In the CPT book under the header for destruction it states: for destruction of lesions in specific anatomical sites see 40820, 46900-4617, 46924, [B]54050[/B]-54057, 54065, 56501, 56515, 57061, 57065,... [ Read More ]
[QUOTE="bethh05, post: 260012, member: 22251"]The physician performs CO2 laser ablation of penile condyloma then he performs excision with layered closure of two of the largest condyloma and sends off... [ Read More ]
The physician performs CO2 laser ablation of penile condyloma then he performs excision with layered closure of two of the largest condyloma and sends off for pathology. 54057 and 54060 bundle but the... [ Read More ]
[QUOTE="Jashani1, post: 186879, member: 138021"]Its a male patient[/QUOTE] Then look at the Male Genital System destruction codes - 54050 - 54065 if the condyloma is on the penis.... [ Read More ]
[b]a/k/a Cryosurgery[/b] [QUOTE="judy caro, post: 81851, member: 87895"]I have a physician that is removing skin lesions with nitrogen liquid, how would I code this.[/QUOTE] Hi Judy, please see bel... [ Read More ]