
Other Procedures on the Diaphragm CPT® Code range 39599- 39599

The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code range for Surgical Procedures on the Diaphragm 39599-39599 is a medical code set maintained by the American Medical Association.

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CPT® Code Range 39599- 39599
Section 39599-39599
Other Procedures on the Diaphragm
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January 01, 1970
Hello I too am seeking assistance with coding the below op note, for Robotic/laparoscopic Diaphragmatic Plication - all my searching is pointing toward 39545, and or using an unlisted 39599. I would a... [ Read More ]
[QUOTE="meghanhannus, post: 509107, member: 61636"] Hello [EMAIL]tcypas@gmail.com[/EMAIL] where I work codes this procedure as CPT 39599 unlisted procedure of the diaphragm [/QUOTE] I am looking to co... [ Read More ]
Hello [email]tcypas@gmail.com[/email] where I work codes this procedure as CPT 39599 unlisted procedure of the diaphragm... [ Read More ]
Hoping someone can help me with a Bochdalek Hernia repair. Pt is 72yrs old female. Preop dx Congenital Bochdalek hernia, Right hemidiaphragm. The physician performed Exploratory Rt thoracotomy and r... [ Read More ]
[QUOTE="ranna1, post: 464909, member: 39599"] coding for Ambulatory EEG study for 72hrs, unmonitered with no video? [/QUOTE] We bill as unmonitored with no video because our ambulatory equipment doesn... [ Read More ]
Hi there. Looking for a CPT for Laparoscopic repair laceration of diaphragm . This was not a hernia repair. I see the open code, 39501. Do I need to use the unlisted code, 39599, unlisted procedur... [ Read More ]
[LEFT]We use unlisted code 49659 (Unlisted laparoscopy procedure, hernioplasty, herniorrhaphy, herniotomy) to represent the laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair. I understand the code indicated above i... [ Read More ]
[b]Free advice and free resources[/b] Hello Radcoder86: I certainly understand the frustration and disappointment. Many medical coding courses, whether a degree or non-degree structured education, o... [ Read More ]
Does anyone have any information on coding a diaphragmatic hernia that is NOT neonatal and not traumatic? I contacted the American College of Surgeons Coding Hotline & was told to use the unlisted co... [ Read More ]