
Introduction and Removal Procedures on the Lungs and Pleura CPT® Code range 32550- 32557

The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code range for Surgical Procedures on the Lungs and Pleura 32550-32557 is a medical code set maintained by the American Medical Association.

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CPT® Code Range 32550- 32557
Introduction and Removal Procedures on the Lungs and Pleura
On a CPT® code's hierarchy page, you get to see a medical code's neighbors, including the CPT® codes' official long descriptors. Seeing related codes helps coders choose the correct code, improving their accuracy rate.
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January 01, 1970
[QUOTE="Cynthia Hughes, post: 466350, member: 18048"] A pigtail catheter is a small bore catheter that is either inserted for drainage and removed (32554, 32555) or as you indicate, sutured in place t... [ Read More ]
[QUOTE="elizabeth24, post: 466078, member: 15975"] ER physician inserted a pigtail catheter at 4th intercostal space and was sutured in place secondary to spontaneous pneumothorax. Is this going to be... [ Read More ]
Good morning Your note is pretty brief and the exact approach to placing the chest tube is not directly stated. Given the mention of the tube being placed under ultrasound guidance, I would conclude... [ Read More ]
Hello, I am not sure how to code the insertion of a chest tube. Any feedback would be much appreciated! Please note: Patient had an excisional biopsy of the caudate lobe in addition to insertion of a... [ Read More ]
I will be sitting for my CPC on Aug 19. This question is from case 1 practice exam. The rationale states 32557 is the answer. In the CPT book, 32557 directs you to use 32550 if an indwelling tunneled ... [ Read More ]
[COLOR="Magenta"]Can someone help me with correct CPT code for following procedure. 32557 or 32550. I am thinking it's 32557. [/COLOR] The procedure, alternatives, risks and possible complications ... [ Read More ]
I'm about to take my cpc exam for the second time, but all my text books are from 2011. I have purchased the practice exams and while taking them, I'm having trouble finding some of the codes. Perhaps... [ Read More ]