
Repair-Complex Procedures on the Integumentary System CPT® Code range 13100- 13160

The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code range for Surgical Repair (Closure) Procedures on the Integumentary System 13100-13160 is a medical code set maintained by the American Medical Association.

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CPT® Code Range 13100- 13160
Repair-Complex Procedures on the Integumentary System
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January 01, 1970
I would not use 12020 as it was a layered closure, not simple closure. What about considering it a wound revision? I would consider 13160 or 13100-13102. Not my area of expertise, but 13160 does see... [ Read More ]
I've found that insurance companies are beginning to scrutinize these adjacent tissue transfer codes for excessive use, and in my own work I have seen many cases of procedure notes that do not suffici... [ Read More ]
I'm wondering if the buttock is considered part of the leg or part of the trunk in a debridement operative report? Below is the full practice report I have in my college coding class with the codes ... [ Read More ]
Hello, You would add the lengths together. Per the AAPC "repaired wounds must be measured and reported in centimeters". If its complex repair, code selection is 13100-13160... Teresa... [ Read More ]
[QUOTE="asmith2756, post: 254593, member: 212081"]I just starting the CPC exam prep course. Does anyone know if it's okay to highlight and use tabs in the icd and cpt books? I have heard your books ... [ Read More ]
13160 [U]Secondary[/U] closure of surgical wound or dehiscence, extensive or complicated I'd consider using the standard repair codes (13100's only - day of procedure, 12001-13102-58 globally). If ... [ Read More ]
[QUOTE="coders_rock!, post: 174918, member: 106400"]How would you code this? Keloid removal was performed. The incision was then taken down through subcutaneous tissue to the tensor fascia lata,... [ Read More ]
You could look at the complex repair codes. According to the guidelines, one can use the repair codes for scar revision. 13100 to 13160. If this was any kind of z-plasty or rotational flap then I w... [ Read More ]
Generally, intermediate repair will involve layered closure. A single-layer closure may qualify as an intermediate repair, however, if the wound is heavily contaminated and requires extensive cleaning... [ Read More ]
[B][U]CPT Code: 28124[/U][/B] Partial excision (craterization, saucerization, sequestrectomy, or diaphysectomy) bone (eg, osteomyelitis or bossing); phalanx of toe Intraoperative services included i... [ Read More ]