Medicare Part D Paid Millions for Drugs for Which Payment Was Available Under the Medicare Part A Skilled Nursing Facility Benefit
Massachusetts Could Better Ensure That Nursing Homes Comply With Federal Requirements for Life Safety, Emergency Preparedness, and Infection Control
Review of Medicare Administrative Contractor Information Security Program Evaluations for Fiscal Year 2023
HHS Continues to Make Progress Toward Compliance With the Geospatial Data Act
States Could Better Leverage Coverage and Access Requirements To Promote Maternal Health Care Access in Medicaid Managed Care
ASPR Established Adequate Controls for Maintaining Physical Security Over Stockpile Site A, but Some Inventory Discrepancies Were Identified
Gallup Indian Medical Center—an IHS-Operated Health Facility—Did Not Timely Conduct Required Background Checks of Staff and Supervise Certain Staff
Medicare Advantage Compliance Audit of Diagnosis Codes That EmblemHealth (Contract H3330) Submitted to CMS
Systemic and Operational Challenges Hinder Efforts to Ensure HIV Care for Medicaid Enrollees
Additional Oversight of Remote Patient Monitoring in Medicare Is Needed
Medicare Advantage Compliance Audit of Specific Diagnosis Codes That HealthAssurance, Pennsylvania, Inc. (Contract R5826) Submitted to CMS
Medicare Advantage Compliance Audit of Specific Diagnosis Codes That Humana Health Plan, Inc. (Contract H2649) Submitted to CMS
CMS Recovered Medicare Payments to Providers Under the COVID-19 Accelerated and Advance Payments Program in Compliance With Federal Requirements
Medicare and Medicaid Enrollees in Many High-Need Areas May Lack Access to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
Medicare Part B Drug Payments: Impact of Price Substitutions Based on 2022 Average Sales Prices
Novitas Solutions, Inc., Reopened and Corrected Cost Report Final Settlements With Obvious Errors To Collect Overpayments Made to Medicare Providers
New Mexico Did Not Ensure Attendants Were Qualified To Provide Personal Care Services, Putting Medicaid Enrollees at Risk
Massachusetts Opioid Treatment Program Services Met Many of the Federal and State Requirements
South Carolina Did Not Always Invoice Rebates to Manufacturers for Physician-Administered Drugs Dispensed to Enrollees of Medicaid Managed-Care Organizations
Utah Generally Completed Medicaid Eligibility Actions During the Unwinding Period in Accordance With Federal and State Requirements