

  • CMSs Reliance on Accreditation Surveys Could Not Ensure the Quality of Care Provided to Medicare Hospice Beneficiaries by The Community Hospice, Inc.
  • AgeWell Physical Therapy & Wellness, P.C., Claimed Unallowable Medicare Part B Reimbursement for Outpatient Therapy Services
  • New York Did Not Have Evidence Available in Readily Reviewable Form To Support That It Reimbursed Medicaid Diabetic Testing Supply Rebates to the Federal Government
  • Some of the State-Operated Medicaid Program Expenditures Claimed by Missouri During the Period October 1, 2010, Through June 30, 2012, Were Unallowable
  • Questionable Billing and Geographic Hotspots Point to Potential Fraud and Abuse in Medicare Part D
  • Ensuring the Integrity of Medicare Part D
  • CMSs Internal Controls Did Not Effectively Ensure the Accuracy of Aggregate Financial Assistance Payments Made to Qualified Health Plan Issuers Under the Affordable Care Act
  • CMSs Reliance on New Jersey Qualification Requirements Could Not Ensure the Quality of Care Provided to Medicaid Beneficiaries Receiving Home Health Services
  • CMSs Reliance on Puerto Ricos Certification Surveys Could Not Ensure the Quality of Care Provided to Medicare Hospice Beneficiaries by Servicios Suplementarios de Salud, Inc.
  • Most Medicaid Payments Texas Made to Providers for Full Vials of Herceptin Were Incorrect
  • Illinois Improperly Claimed Medicaid Reimbursement for Optical Services and Supplies
  • National Government Services Claimed Allowable Administrative Costs for Fiscal Year 2010 and the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2011
  • The Hospital of Central Connecticut Incorrectly Billed Medicare Inpatient Claims With Kwashiorkor
  • CGS Administrators, LLC, Did Not Always Refer Medicare Cost Reports and Reconcile Outlier Payments
  • Advisory Opinion 15-07 
  • Advisory Opinion 15-06
  • Texas Paid Millions for Unallowable Medicaid Orthodontic Services
  • Advanced Chiropractic Services Received Unallowable Medicare Payments for Chiropractic Services
  • Minnesota Underreported the Federal Share and Did Not Accurately Report All Medicaid Overpayment Collections
  • National Government Services, Inc., Understated Its Allocable Pension Costs for Calendar Years 2006 Through 2009
Showing 1381 to 1400 of 2179 results
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