Urology Coding Alert

You Be the Coder:

Ejaculatory Duct Mass

Question: Which CPT code should I use to bill a transurethral approach of a resection of a mass in the ejaculatory duct?

Montana Subscriber

Answer: Report CPT Code 52347 (Cystourethro-scopy with transurethral resection or incision of ejaculatory ducts) for the resection of the ejaculatory duct mass, which probably caused obstruction of this structure.

Also, be sure to check the operative documentation to determine whether you need to code for any additional services that may accompany the transurethral resection of ejaculatory ducts. These additional services may include 52010 (Cystourethroscopy, with ejaculatory duct catheterization, with or without irrigation, instillation, or duct radiography, exclusive of radiologic service) and 55300 (Vasotomy for vasograms, seminal vesiculograms, or epididymograms, unilateral or bilateral). And if your urologist documents interpretation of the results of either of the aforementioned tests, use 74440-26 (Vasography, vesiculography, or epididy-mography, radiological supervision and interpretation; professional component).

Trap: In January, the National Correct Coding Initiative bundled CPT code 52010 into 52347, and this NCCI edit cannot be bypassed with any modifier. Therefore, as of January 2004, 52010 will no longer be paid when billed with 52347. Private carriers will most likely follow this edit and also withhold payment for 52010 when billed with 52347.

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