Urology Coding Alert

You Be The Coder:

Calyceal Diverticulum Treatment

Question: The doctor has noted that he is going to treat a patient using the ureteroscope to go up the ureter into the renal pelvis and drain the calyceal diverticulum on the right side. I cannot find a code for this. What would you suggest?

Texas Subscriber

Answer: Most often a urologist will perform this type of procedure using ureteroscopy to access the pathology in the kidney and then open the infundibular/calyceal stricture (leading to the diverticulum) under vision with a cutting or dilating instrument passed through the ureteroscope.

For this you should report 52346 (Cystourethro-scopy with ureteroscopy; with treatment of intra-renal stricture). Use 593.89 (Calyceal diverticulum) as the associated diagnosis.

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