the services rendered are significantly more complex than described for the CPT code in question.
Other circumstances that may merit the use of modifier -22 include morbid obesity, low birth rate, conversion of a procedure from laparoscopic to open, and significant scarring or adhesions, experts say.
2. Document the Evidence
"The key to collecting additional reimbursement for unusual services is all in the documentation," Schad says.
Sometimes a physician will tell you to append modifier -22 to a procedure because he did "x, y and z," she says, but when you look at the documentation, the support isn't there.
The documentation is your chance to demonstrate the special circumstances, such as extra time or highly complex trauma, that warrant modifier -22, Morrow says.
For example, if a urologist spends an inordinate amount of time reducing paraphimosis before an adult circumcision and he documents exactly how much time he spent performing the reduction, you can append modifier -22 to the circumcision code (54161, Circumcision, surgical excision other than clamp, device or dorsal slit; except newborn).
Note: There is a separate code to represent paraphimosis reduction (54450, Foreskin manipulation including lysis of preputial adhesions and stretching), but it is bundled into 54161, which is why you cannot report it separately for the procedure and modifier -22 is required to receive the deserved additional reimbursement.
For every claim with modifier -22, you should submit both a paper claim and the operative report, Schad instructs coders. The operative report should clearly identify additional diagnoses, pre-existing conditions or any unexpected findings or complicating factors that contributed to the extra time and effort spent performing the procedure, Morrow adds.
Morrow recommends that every operative note have a separate section such as a "Special Circumstances" section where the physician must indicate when a procedure is much more difficult than anticipated.
The hitch: There's a good chance that the person employed by the insurance carrier to review your claim is not a medical professional. So you have to translate what went on in the operating room into quantifiable terms, Schad says. Getting paid for modifier -22 "is very subjective, and it depends on the utilization reviewer or the claims reviewer," Schad says.
3. in Payer Lingo
Your operative report does not have to cater to the carrier receiving the claim, but an additional note from the physician to the insurance carrier should.
Some carriers have specific forms for the physician to fill out and send with claims using modifier -22. Georgia Medicare provides practices with a "Modifier 22 Explanation Form" to "help in reviewing your claim."
The form asks for the patient's name, HIC number, date of surgery, length of surgery (operative time), unusual circumstances during the surgery that may warrant additional reimbursement, a copy of the operative report, and the physician's signature, dated, with the printed name below.
If your carrier does not have a form specifically for modifier -22 claims, you may want to follow the recommendation published in the June 2000 Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons (ACOS): Include a statement separate from the operative report that is written by the physician and explains the unusual amount of work in layman's terms.
According to the bulletin, the separate report should state the patient's name, health insurance identification number, the procedure date, the requested percent increase for the procedure fee, and the circumstances behind the request to justify the percentage increase above the customary fee. You should also use two or three paragraphs to justify why the procedure was unusual using "simple medical explanations and terminology, realizing that the letter will (hopefully) be read by a nurse or other reviewer."
Also include the typical average circumstances or time for completion and compare it to the actual circumstances. Schad recommends that you send two operative reports: one for the unusual procedure and another for the same procedure that would not be considered unusual. The reviewer can then compare a typical cholecystectomy, for example, to the one you are trying to have paid.
The ACOS recommends closing the note by referring the reviewer to the operative report and including the physician's contact information.
You should refer to these factors when conveying unusual procedural services to a nonmedical professional: