Urology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Skip Temptation to Report 51999 Twice in 1 Session

Question: My doctor did a laparoscopic partial cystectomy and removed the urachal remnant as well as a bilateral extended pelvic lymph node dissection. I know to use 51999 for the laparoscopic partial cystectomy, but would I also have to use it for the removal of the urachal remnant? If so, do I bill the 51999 twice and benchmark to the 51550 and the 51500?

New Jersey Subscriber

Answer: The removal of a urachal remnant is often associated with a total or partial cystectomy, so in your description of the procedure your code suggestion seems correct but you should only use the code once. Report the partial cystectomy and removal of the urachal remnant with the unlisted laparoscopic bladder code 51999 (Unlisted laparoscopic procedure, bladder) just once.  ench mark the procedure using both 51500 (Excision of urachal cyst or sinus, with or without umbilical hernia repair) and 51550 (Cystectomy, partial; simple), to ensure proper payment.

Don't miss: Remember to also bill for the laparoscopic pelvic node resection with code 38571 (Laparoscopy, surgical; with bilateral total pelvic lymphadenectomy).

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Urology Coding Alert

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