tostomy (left ureteral reimplantation) with the open placement of a ureteral stent for a patient with recurrent UTIs and grade 2 left vesicoureteral reflux." How should I code this procedure?
Montana Subscriber
Answer: You should report 50780 (Ureteroneocystostomy; anastomosis of single ureter to bladder) for the procedure your urologist documented. In addition, you may bill the open stent insertion using 50605 (Ureterotomy for insertion of indwelling stent, all types). Many payers (but not all) may pay you for stent insertion.
The diagnosis code to attach to 50780 should be 593.70 (Vesicoureteral reflux unspecified or without reflux nephropathy). Append ICD-9 codes 591 (Hydronephrosis) and V07.8 (Performed prophylactically) to 50605 to indicate that the urologist placed the stent to prevent hydronephrosis.