Urology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Demystify This SP Tube Polyp Case

Question: The patient was prepped and draped in standard manner using monitored anesthesia (MAC) anesthesia. My urologist removed the old suprapubic (SP) tube and replaced a new one in. The patient had a very large polypoid skin tag at the SP tube site. My urologist anesthetized using 0.5% Marcaine plain. Once my provider anesthetized that area, they then used a needlepoint Bovie and excised the excess thin polyp from that SP tube site. Good hemostasis was obtained. Dressing was placed. The procedure was terminated. The patient was sent to the post-anesthesia room (PAR) in stable condition. My urologist will follow up in a month. Which code should I report for this procedure?

AAPC Forum Subscriber

Answer: You should report 11200 (Removal of skin tags, multiple fibrocutaneous tags, any area; up to and including 15 lesions) for this procedure.

Don’t miss: You should also report add-on code +11201 (Removal of skin tags, multiple fibrocutaneous tags, any area; each additional 10 lesions, or part thereof (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)) when the services involve removal of one or more additional skin tags of any area.