Question: Has there been another change to the codes I should be reporting for low osmolar contrast materials? Are A4644-A4646 still active?
Oklahoma Subscriber
Answer: Not anymore. As of April 1, 2005, there are new HCPCS codes for contrast agents. Instead of A4644-A4646 (Supply of low osmolar contrast material ...), report one of the following:
Don't miss: Like the old codes, the new codes are differentiated by quantity - and they're a lot more specific. For example, before April 1, you would code A4645 (... 200-299 mgs of iodine) for either 201 mg or 298 mg of iodine. Now, however, you would need to code Q9947 for 201 mg and Q9948 for 298 mg.
Important: Medicare specifies that "hospital outpatient departments shall continue to bill the A codes ... and shall not report [Q9945-Q9951]." To learn more about these changes, you can read a "Medlearn Matters" article at