Urology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Append Modifier 52 in This Situation

Question: I need some help coding the removal and replacement of a multi-component penile prosthesis. My surgeon removed and replaced the pump and cylinders but not the reservoir. I thought I needed to append modifier 52 since my surgeon did not remove and replace all components (pump, cylinders, and reservoir). However, my surgeon is stating that because they removed and replaced the two main parts of the prosthesis, the cylinders and pump, it wouldn’t require modifier 52 (Reduced services). Can you help me?

Answer: You actually do need modifier 52. You should report 54410 (Removal and replacement of all component(s) of a multi-component, inflatable penile prosthesis at the same operative session)-52 to indicate that your urologist did not remove all of the components.

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