Question: During robotic partial nephrectomy, one of our urologists fully mobilizes the ureter (not all our surgeons will do this). Would it be appropriate to code 50715 for ureterolysis when he does this?
Florida Subscriber
Answer: The first point for you to note before reporting this procedure is that the ureterolysis could be considered an integral part of the main procedure (the partial nephrectomy) and not separately billable (unless the surgeon is also treating a retroperitoneal fibrosis during the encounter). Check the latest coding edits and verify the payer’s stance before reporting it.
If you are justified in coding for the ureterolysis, remember that a robotic procedure such as robotic partial nephrectomy is performed laparoscopically. Code 50715 (Ureterolysis, with or without repositioning of ureter for retroperitoneal fibrosis) represents an open procedure, which makes it inappropriate for the procedure you describe.
CPT® 2017 does not includelaparoscopic/robotic specific codes for ureterolysis, so if separate billing is acceptable, you should report unlisted code 50949 (Unlisted laparoscopic procedure, ureter).