Question: The patient was diagnosed with a prostate abscess. What CPT® code(s) should be reported for a "transurethral unroofing of prostate abscess/partial TURP"?
Oklahoma Subscriber
Answer: When reporting transurethral unroofing of the prostatic abscess, the code typically is 52700 (Transurethral drainage of prostatic abscess). The usual TURP code is 52601 (Transurethral electrosurgical resection of prostate, including control of postoperative bleeding, complete [vasectomy, meatotomy, cystourethroscopy, urethral calibration and/or dilation, and internal urethrotomy are included]). However, we cannot give definitive advice because of limited documentation in your question. Verify the case details with the urologist to determine whether 52700 or 52601 is more appropriate.