Urology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Urothelial Cancer

Question: In patients with positive urine cytology for urothelial cancer, we frequently need to do cystoscopy and pass ureteral catheters, bilaterally, to the upper urinary tract. What is the appropriate code for this procedure?

Connecticut Subscriber

Answer: The only code for obtaining the upper tract cytological studies is 52005 (cystourethroscopy, with ureteral catheterization, with or without irrigation, instillation, or ureteropyelography, exclusive of radiologic service). The description of 52005 does not limit its use to retrograde cystoscopy. The procedure you are describing is cystoscopy with catheterization, and that is the definition of 52005. You are collecting the urine samples through the catheters and submitting the specimens to cytopathology for analysis. There is no extra payment for this work.

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