Reader Question:
Uroflow Studies
Published on Sun Apr 01, 2001
Question: What is the difference between complex and simple uroflow studies?
Georgia Subscriber
Answer: Simple uroflow (51736 simple uroflowmetry [UFR] [e.g., stop-watch flow rate, mechanical uroflowmeter]) uses simple equipment to detect a flow rate. A stopwatch and a simple measured volume or a volume/weight mechanical device constitute simple uroflowmetry. A tracing is usually not generated by this method, which is typically performed in the office setting.
Complex uroflow (51741, complex uroflowmetry [e.g., calibrated electronic equipment]) uses in-office or in-hospital specialized calibrated electronic equipment to detect a flow rate. A tracing is commonly generated and becomes a permanent part of the chart. As one would expect, 51741 reimburses more than 51736.
Use modifier -26 (professional component) if the physician only interprets the results or performs the study in the hospital using hospital equipment.
If the urologist brings his or her own portable equipment (cystometrogram) to use at the hospital, you must still use modifier -26 and seek further compensation for the technical component from the hospital, which should bill for the technical component. However, this payment request by the urologist from the hospital is most often fruitless.