Urology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Urodynamics After TVT Can Have Different Coding

Question: If a physician performs urodynamics in the office within the 90 day global period of a TVT, and he performed the urodynamics due to a recurrence of stress urinary incontinence after the procedure, would it be appropriate to add modifier 78 because theseprocedures fall into the diagnostic category?

Michigan Subscriber

Answer: This is a question that may not have one specific answer. If you determine that the urodynamics represent an evaluation of a complication from the transvaginal tape (TVT) sling operation, then Medicarewill not consider the evaluationand subsequent treatment of the complication to be a billable service if your urologist performs these services out of the operating room in the office. Since your urologist performed the service in the office, you would not be able to bill Medicare.

In your clinical scenario you should consider the reoccurrence of urinary stress incontinence a failure of the operative procedure rather than a complication. In general, most physicians, in order to maintain a favorable and satisfactory physician-patient relationship, will not charge for repeat services in a global period--  especially when an initial therapeutic procedure has failed. This decision, however, should always be made by the urologist and not by you as the coder.

For non-Medicare carriers who do not follow Medicare policy or coding rules, you may decide to bill for the urodynamic studies performed in the office with modifier 79 (Unrelated procedure or service by the same physician or other qualified health care professional during the postoperative period) appended to each urodynamic CPT® code.

Caution: You can only append modifier 78 (Unplanned return to the operating/procedure room by the same physician or other qualified health care professional following initial procedure for a related procedure during the postoperative period) to a code only if your physician returned the patient to the operating room for further diagnostic procedures or treatment.

Alternative: Oftentimes, the urodynamics performed in the postoperative period are to diagnose a new problem that may have resulted from the sling procedure, such as an overactive bladder. Under these circumstances, for the studies performed in the office, append modifier 79 to each urodynamic code for both Medicare and private carriers. The new diagnosis would be N32.81 (Overactive bladder).

Tip: Modifier 58 (Staged or related procedure or service by the same physician or other qualified health care professional during the postoperative period) may also be appropriate when appended to the urodynamic studies, so base your choice on the clinical circumstances. Either modifier, 58 or 79, will ensure full payment for the urodynamic studies performed in a global period.

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