Question: My physician performed a PCNL to treat a stone in the kidney, then changed to a ureteroscope and treated a stone in same side of the ureter. Can we unbundle and bill both codes since he's treating two different locations?
Tennessee Subscriber
Answer: No, you should not report multiple codes for this situation. The work of code 50561 (Renal endoscopy through established nephrostomy or pyelostomy, with or without irrigation, instillation, or ureteropyelography, exclusive of radiologic service; with removal of foreign body or calculus) will cover the work of 50081 (Percutaneous nephrostolithotomy or pyelostolithotomy, with or without dilation, endoscopy, lithotripsy, stenting, or basket extraction; over 2 cm) as the stone is removed. Therefore, you should only report 50561.