Urology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Recoup Foley Catheter Supply Cost

Question: When billing a Foley replacement, are we able to bill for the Foley itself? Also, if we do patient education and give the patient a few straight catheters, can we bill for the supplies?

New York Subscriber

Answer: The fee for the Foley catheter change — which you should report with code 51702 (Insertion of temporary indwelling bladder catheter; simple [eg, Foley]) — includes the cost of the catheter so you should not charge the patient extra for the catheter.

If you have a durable medical equipment (DME) number, you may bill the durable medical equipment regional office (DMERO) for the few catheters that you gave the patient, and you will receive payment as long as the problem or need for the catheters will exist for at least three months.

Few urologists charge the patient for these catheters if they do not have a DME number. Instead, you should give the patient a script for the catheters, which he can fill at a surgical supply store or with an independent surgical supply company. Most of these stores or companies will bill via the DMERO and not charge the patient.