Question: California Subscriber Answer: If the orchiectomy was for a testicular tumor, then the diagnoses may be 186.9 (Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified testis) and V10.47 (Personal history of malignant neoplasm of testis). If the orchiectomy was performed for an undescended testicle, then the ICD-9 diagnoses may be 752.51 (Undescended testis) and V45.77 (Acquired absence of organ genital organs). Other diagnoses to be considered are 608.89 (Other specified disorders of male genital organs), 752.89 (Other specified anomalies of genital organs), and 752.52 (Retractile testis). Best bet: The procedure coding for placement of a testicular prosthesis would be 54660 (Insertion of testicular prosthesis [separate procedure]).