Urology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

POS Matters in Code Order

Question: We are planning our first combined Botox and bulking agent (Macroplastique) on a neurogenic bladder patient. We are doing this in the office. How would we code this? Would I need to use modifier 51 (and thus, lose on the second charge)?

Tennessee Subscriber

If you perform the two procedures in an office setting, bill the following sequence based on relative value units (RVUs):

  • First, report 52287 (Cystourethroscopy, with injection[s] for chemodenervation of the bladder) for the Botox injection. Attach modifier 59 (Distinct procedural service) to 52287 to break the Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) bundle that exists.
  • Then, report 51715 (Endoscopic injection of implant material into the submucosal tissues of the urethra and/or bladder neck) for the bladder neck injections. For some payers, you may also need to use modifier 51 (Multiple procedures) to this secondary procedure.
  • Finally, report HCPCS code L8606 (Injectable bulking agent, synthetic implant, urinary tract, 1 ml. syringe…) for the Macroplastique. To accurately pay for this supply the payer may request the acquisition cost invoice.

Alternative: If you perform the two procedures in a hospital as an inpatient or outpatient, bill the following sequence based on RVUs:

  • First, report 51715 for the bladder neck injections.
  • Then, report 52287-59 for the Botox injection.


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