Urology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Get the Mo$t for a Doubleheader

Question: We diagnosed a patient complaining with cystitis. We performed a cystoscopy and urodynamics testing on the same day. Can we bill for both? Should we report two different diagnoses?

Pennsylvania Subscriber
Answer: Yes, you can do a cystoscopic examination on the same day as a urodynamic study and get paid for both procedures.
However, the complex cystometrogram (CMG) has a higher relative value unit and will be paid at 100 percent, and the cystoscopy at 50 percent. (Make sure you report the CMG first.)
You may have the same or different diagnoses for the procedures, depending on the clinical circumstances.
At times, the urologist may perform a cystoscopic exam at another sitting, hoping not to distort the urodynamics by irritating the bladder, which may occur with the cystoscopy.

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