Urology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Finding a Code for LUNA

Question: How should I code for laparoscopic uterosacral nerve ablation (LUNA)?
Kansas Subscriber
Answer: Because no code exists for a LUNA, use unlisted-procedure (UP) code 64999 (Unlisted procedure, nervous system).
When considering a UP code, first check the surgical sections of CPT. This is a neurological procedure, so look in the neurological section of CPT for laparoscopic codes. There are none. Next, look at the laparoscopic codes in the female section. There is no specific laparoscopic code for the LUNA procedure, although there are UP laparoscopic codes for the uterus (58578) and ovaries (58679). When using a UP code, provide the carrier with a detailed operative report and a simple and in-laymans-terms explanatory note of what was done and why. Pertinent information should include time spent, equipment used, and estimate of the postoperative period, possible complications, and an equitable fee for the procedure. Using UP codes mandates paper submission, medical review, delayed payment, and risk of denial requiring multiple submissions.

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