Urology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Filing Biofeedback Components

Question: Should I bill for an initial biofeedback evaluation with CPT 51784 and CPT 97032 , and then for weekly sessions with 90911, and possibly 51784?

Massachusetts Subscriber
Answer: Preliminary evaluation (pre-biofeedback) may include 51784 (Electromyography studies [EMG of anal or urethral sphincter, other than needle, any technique) and 97032 (Application of a modality to one or more areas; electrical stimulation [manual], each 15 minutes). However, biofeedback therapy (90911, Biofeedback training, perineal muscles, anorectal or urethral sphincter, including EMG and/or manometry) should not include these two codes because they are bundled into 90911. Six to eight weekly sessions of biofeedback therapy may be permitted based on carrier policy. Follow-up evaluation may include 51784 and 97032, and an office visit can also be billed.
Code 90911 has been controversial because it includes EMG and manometry. However, do not use 90901 (Biofeed-back training by any modality) to avoid bundling edits.
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