Urology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Correct Diagnosis for Urethral Stricture Depends on Type, Location, and Etiology

Question: What code (or codes) should I file when my urologist documents “cysto with dilatation of submeatal stenosis in a male patient”?

New Jersey Subscriber

Answer: For this procedure, file with 52281 (Cystourethroscopy, with calibration and/or dilation of urethral stricture or stenosis, with or without meatotomy, with or without injection procedure for cystography, male or female). You have several diagnosis codes from which to choose, depending on the type, location, and etiology ofthe stricture:

  • N35.010 – Post-traumatic urethral stricture, male, meatal
  • N35.111 – Postinfective urethral stricture, not elsewhere classified, male, meatal
  • N99.110 Postprocedural urethral stricture, not elsewhere classified, male, meatal  

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