Question: One of my friends who works in HIT is trying to convince us to use “the cloud” to protect our HIT compliance. What exactly does this mean?
North Dakota Subscriber
Answer: There are two different types of servers that health care organizations can use for HIT storage: client server andcloud server. If your group was an early EHR adopter, you may still have a client-server EHR. That is, the client (your office or facility) hosts (stores) PHI in aserver (storage) that is physically located on site at your practice.
Client servers have worked well for some providers, but they require equipment and personnel that smaller providers often lack. Client servers require a dedicated IT staffer to ensure server reliability, smooth upgrades, network security, and myriad other concerns.
If you have a cloud-based EHR, the vendor provides software and PHI storage from a server offsite and you access your patients’ medical records through a secure connection. PHI is available to you from any location (and from any device) that has a secure connection to the Internet.
Here are a few advantages to using a cloud server: