Question: If EMG services are included in biofeedback (90901 and 90911), are they separately billable when they are rendered as part of the preliminary evaluations our urologist performs?
Washington Subscriber
Answer: Prior to performing biofeedback, physicians sometimes evaluate the patient to determine the extent of muscle dysfunction, etc.
These preliminary evaluations are represented in the following codes: 51784 (Electromyography studies [EMG] of anal or urethral sphincter, other than needle, any technique) and 51785 (Needle electromyography studies [EMG] of anal or urethral sphincter, any technique).
The EMG services are separately billable when performed as a separate, medically necessary service, such as for diagnosis purposes.
However, CPT codes 51784 and 51785 should not be billed when they are performed during biofeedback therapy services. The EMG services are bundled into 90901 and 90911, according to the Correct Coding Initiative edits.