Question: My urologist is injecting botulinum toxin (type A) to alleviate bladder spasms. How should we code this procedure?
Pennsylvania Subscriber
Answer: Bill CPT® code 52287 (Cystourethroscopy with injection(s) for chemo-denervation of the bladder). Use this one code for any number (multiple) of Botox bladder wall injections. This code has a zero (0) day global so all post-injection services can be billed and be paid.
Important: Code 52287 replaces previously billed codes 53899 (Unlisted procedure, urinary system) and 64640 (Destruction by neurolytic agent; other peripheral nerve or branch).
When the injections are provided in an office setting, report the drug itself with HCPCS code J0585 (Injection, onabotulinumtoxinA, 1 unit) administering a total dose of 100 to 300 units.
This drug has recently been approved by the FDA for N32.81 (Overactive bladder) and N31.1 (Neurogenic bladder. However, some payers may not reimburse for this drug due to its possible off-label use. You might want to ask the patient to sign an advance beneficiary notice (ABN) accepting payment responsibility so you can bill the patient for the treatment.