Reader Question:
Blood Draw
Published on Wed Dec 01, 1999
Question: What else, if anything, must be done by my nurse when drawing blood to qualify for a minimal return office visit in addition to the drawing fee?
Anonymous IL Subscriber
Answer: If a nurse is drawing blood for a laboratory test, and the patient is not receiving any other services on that day, the appropriate billing would be to use 36415*(routine venipuncture or finger/heel/
ear stick for collection of specimen[s]) for commercial carriers, or G0001 (routine venipuncture for collection of specimen[s]) for Medicare patients. It would not be appropriate to bill any other service in these situations since no other service is provided. Payment by carrier varies; check with individual companies to determine whether they will cover this service.
To bill a minimal return office visit, there must be a need to re-evaluate the patients condition and/or modify the treatment plan in conjunction with or as a result of the lab tests performed. Clear documentation of these situations must be present.