Question: How should I code for the drug neomycin when it is used for bladder irrigation? Should I use a supply code for a comparable drug?
UCA Subscriber
Answer: When urologists and patients decide to use medicine to treat bladder cancer, bladder irrigation is used to put the medicine in the bladder by way of a syringe attached to a catheter. Neomycin is one of the common irrigating solutions used during this procedure, but unlike many other irrigating solutions, there is no code that specifically represents the supply of this solution.
Neomycin is a relatively inexpensive drug and it is not necessarily reimbursable. Some urologists even use the free samples from the pharmaceutical representative, which is not separately billable. However, if you have purchased the drug and are billing for the solution, use the unclassified-drug code, J3490, and indicate the name of the solution used (neomycin) and the dosage.
Don't risk using a specific code for what you consider to be a similar drug this probably won't fly in the event of an audit. And don't forget to report the physician's service with the proper irrigating code: 51700* (Bladder irrigation, simple, lavage and/or instillation).