Urology Coding Alert

Quick Quiz:

Think You Have a Handle on the 2012 Code Changes? Find Out Fast

Test your ICD-9, CPT®, and HCPCS 2012 knowledge before the denials start rolling in.Annual coding changes put every coder on edge this time of year. Ensure that you have a handle on this year's coding situation by taking this three-question quiz and then checking your answers against the experts' on page 20.Hint: You can find all the answers in one of these three past Urology Coding Alert articles:"Get Specific With New ICD-9 Cystostomy and Mesh Complication Codes in October" from the Vol. 13, No. 8 issue"Easier Initial Observation Coding Will Come Your Way in January" from the Vol. 13, No. 12 issue"Retire 86294 For NMP-22 Bladder Test Checks" from the Vol. 14, No. 1 issue Question 1: When your urologist documents that a patient's vaginal mesh/sling that has eroded into the bladder, what diagnosis code should you report?Question 2: What code should you report when your physician assistant (PA) documents [...]
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