If CMS hasn't given you enough food for thought this year, try chewing on the Jan. 17 emergency update to the 2003 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Database.
According to CMS'Program Memorandum, inconsistencies in the 2003 MPFSD RVUs for a number of services have been identified and corrected. The CMS Transmittal addresses 61 inconsistencies in the urinary system CPT codes that alter their previously assigned Practice Expense (PE) Relative Value Units (RVUs). For the most part, the update increases both the facility and nonfacility PE RVUs, a small boost for urology practice reimbursements.
To view the changes, you can view Program Memorandum Transmittal B-03-001 at http://cms.hhs.gov/manuals/pm_trans/b03001.pdf.
As for the latest regarding the 2003 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Database, Medicare carriers are preparing to adhere to the 2003 fee schedule RVUs beginning March 1, 2003. Stay tuned for adjustments that may be made by Medicare and private payers to the current policies.