Urology Coding Alert

NCCI 13.1 Update:

Don't Bill 2 Same-Day,

NCCI won't let you now anyway

There's really no reason you would ever bill two "new patient" office visits by the same patient on the same day, but now you won't be able to do this anyway.

The National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) is bundling each new patient visit code from 99201-99205 (Office visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient ...) with every lower-level code in the same series. For example, you can't report 99201 and 99202 together for the same patient during the same day. You can't use a modifier to override those edits.

In addition: The same goes for other E/M services including initial observation (99218-99220), inpatient consultation (99251-99255), domiciliary/rest-home visit (99324-99337) and home visit (99341-99345).

Also, subsequent hospital care codes 99231-99233 are all bundled with initial inpatient service codes 99221-99223, and no modifier can override those edits either. You also can't bill two different subsequent hospital visit codes for the same patient on the same day.

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