Urology Coding Alert

Free NCCI Edits Available on the Web

On Sept. 2, the CMS posted automated edits on its Web site. These edits, known as the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI), are meant to help identify questionable claims and adjust payments to reflect what would have been paid if the claim had been filed correctly.
The edits identify pairs of services that normally should not be billed by the same physician for the same patient on the same day.
Earlier this summer, CMS added the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Look-up feature to its Web site to help physicians determine in advance what they will be paid for a particular service or range of services.
Previously, NCCI edits were available on a paid subscription basis, but now they are available to anyone with Web access. The NCCI edits are posted at
http://cms.hhs.gov/physicians/cciedits/default.asp. The Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Look-up can be found at http://cms.hhs.gov/physicians/default.asp.