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Keep All the Urodynamics Codes Straight With This Handy Cheat Sheet
Published on Fri Oct 16, 2009
Knowing the differences between the tests is your key to proper code choice. When your urologist says he performed urodynamics tests, you need to dig deeper into his documentation for clues about which code to report. Tack this overview up by your computer to help you quickly choose the right code every time. • In a simple CMG (51725, Simple cystometrogram [e.g., spinal manometer]), the urologist places a small catheter in the bladder, fills the bladder by gravity, and measures capacity and storage pressures using a spinal manometer. • A complex CMG (51726, Complex cystometrogram [e.g., calibrated electronic equipment]) involves filling the bladder through a catheter and measuring the pressures with calibrated electronic equipment. If your urologist also performs a urethral pressure profile (UPP), report 51727 (Complex cystometrogram [i.e., calibrated electronic equipment]; with urethral pressure profile studies [i.e., urethral closure pressure profile], any technique). For a complex CMG with voiding [...]