Start capturing additional pay by separating wound care management codes 97597-97602 from the newly revised debridement codes.Every year, just when you're trying to get used to new CPT Codes , the Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) comes along and limits how and when you can use the new codes you've been given. This year is no exception with
CCI Edits 17.0 adding edits involving new Renessa and posterior tibial neurostimulator (PTNS) codes, among others.The CCI released version 17.0, revealing 19,822 new active pairs and 9,778 code pair deletions, said Frank D. Cohen, MPA, MBB, senior analyst with The Frank Cohen Group, LLC, in a Dec. 14 announcement.Many of the new code pair additions involve CPT codes that debuted on Jan. 1, 2011 with CCI getting ready to halt payment if you report certain procedures together. Get a grip on the new bundles with this urology-focused rundown.Skip Catheterization Coding [...]