ABN Advice:
Incorporate New ABN To Collect For Non-Covered Services Going Forward
Published on Sun Jan 16, 2011
Even though there aren't substantial changes on the form, you need to make the switch.Now that Nov. 1 has come and gone, you should be using the new advanced beneficiary notice (ABN). If you're behind the deadline you won't be able to bill patients for services that Medicare doesn't cover. Ensure you're up to speed on the changes with this rundown. Use CMS-R-193 as of Nov. 1Even though the latest version of the ABN form, CMS-R-131, was released on March 20, 2011, mandatory use of the new version began on Nov. 1, 2011.You can view the new form at www.cms.gov/BNI by clicking the FFS Revised ABN link, said CMS's Donna Williamson during a CMS Open Door Forum over the summer. Although the form doesn't include any substantial changes, you still need to adopt the new version. Here's why: During the Open Door Forum, CMS's Stewart Streimer replied that the current [...]