Urology Coding Alert

CCI Update:
Start Breaking the 52352/52353 Bundle andCollect An Additional $393 for Physician Work
But stop unbundling scrotal exploration and orchiectomy,CCI says You'll have to al... Read more
Cut Through the Bladder Tumor Removal Coding Confusion
Key: Size does matter when it comes to bladder tumorsYour urologist removes multiple bladd... Read more
You Be tthe Coder:
Bilateral 54620 Payment
Question: What is the correct code(s) to use for bilateral testicular fixation for inter... Read more
Reader Questions:
Tax ID Won't Affect New vs. Established
Question: I code for a multi-specialty practice. A patient counts as new if that patient h... Read more
Reader Questions:
Capture Patient Encounter in Another Doctor's Office
Question: If my doctor went to another physician's office and did the consult at the other... Read more
Reader Questions:
Focus on Reason for Post-Op Urodynamics
Question: If a physician performs urodynamics in the office within the global time period ... Read more
Case Study:
Learn to Spot What You May Be Missing When You Report Cystoprostatectomies
Key: Make sure you're carefully evaluating each individual clinical scenarioAs a coder, yo... Read more
News You Can Use:
Mark Your Calendar: ICD-10 Could Hit in 2011
The new code set will quadruple the number of diagnoses you can chooseYou're busy updating... Read more
Unlock the Secrets of Unlisted Procedure Coding in 4 Steps
Including an explanatory report could be your key to getting paid Just because your ur... Read more
Reader Questions:
Sometimes, You Just Need One Code
Question: I'm trying to code a ureteroscopy with biopsy and laser ablation of renal pelvis... Read more
Reader Questions:
Past Procedures May Affect Your Current Coding
Question: My urologist performed a transrectal ultrasound guided aspiration of a pelvic ma... Read more
Reader Questions:
Modifier 22 Is Your Answer for Extra Effort
Question: My doctor transplanted a kidney and per-formed the backbench reconstruction as w... Read more
Reader Questions:
Base 11040-11044 Coding on Excision Depth
Question: One of the doctors I code for did an excision of a groin sinus tract, and the di... Read more
Reader Questions:
Avoid 64450/64430 Confusion
Question: Should I use CPT 64450 or CPT 64430 for a lidocaine penile ring block prior to... Read more
Reader Questions:
Get to Know Your Global Period Rules
Question: Can I charge for a catheter insertion (CPT 51702 ) if the patient just had a bla... Read more
Reader Questions:
Include Anesthesia in 1 Circumcision Type
Question: A consultant said I should use modifier 52 when a urologist performs a neonatal ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
TVT Sling, Anterior Repair, Enterocele Repair
Question: A patient undergoes a cystocele repair and a transobturator vaginal tape (TVTO) ... Read more
TURP 101:
Use This Comprehensive Guide to Master TURP Coding Once and For All
Caution: Don't fall into the 'once in a lifetime' coding trapTransurethral resection of th... Read more
Clip and Save:
Know When to Apply 52601 In Just 5 Simple Steps
TURP coding is as easy as following the pathChoosing the proper transurethral resection of... Read more
ICD-9 Update:
Don't Delay: Scratch 599.7 Off Your Diagnosis List for Good
The official changes are out, and you need to incorporate them in your codingOctober 1 is ... Read more
News You Can Use:
You Can Finally Kiss the 10.6 Percent Pay Cut Goodbye
Congress ensures you'll avoid a Medicare pay cut for 18 monthsYou can breathe easier about... Read more
Reader Questions:
Follow CCI Edits, Not Conflicting Advice
Question: When we have a patient that needs a stent change, the Pennsylvania Medical Socie... Read more
Reader Questions:
Technique Doesn't Always Determine Coding
Question: My urologist performed a transurethral incision of the prostate using the Holmiu... Read more
Reader Questions:
Strengthen Your Fascia Harvest Claims
Question: Is it appropriate to report CPT 20926 in addition to CPT 51992 if the physicia... Read more
Reader Questions:
Select Unlisted for Mitrofanoff Channel Dilation
Question: My doctor performed a cystoscopic examination via a Mitrofanoff cutaneous stoma,... Read more
Reader Questions:
Complicated Op Doesn't Mean Complicated Coding
Question: How should I code the following procedure documented by the urologist: "Cystosco... Read more
Reader Questions:
Employ V Codes for Former Cancer Patients
Question: Our office performed a PSA test for a patient one year after successful prostate... Read more
You Be the Coder:
I&D, Debridement, or Both?
Question: A male patient underwent the following procedure, based on the urologist's notes... Read more
CCI Update:
Shore Up Your Ureteral Repair Coding -- CCI Hits 50700-50840 Hard
Discover how modifier 59 can help you overcome these new bundles The Correct Coding In... Read more
On the Cutting Edge:
Stimulate Your PTNS Claims With 3 Expert Tips
Caution: 64555 is not the best code choice anymorePercutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (P... Read more
Sharpen Your GA/GY/GZ Skills to Go Along With New ABN
Bonus: The new ABN will eliminate NEMB confusionIn March, CMS unveiled its new Advance Ben... Read more
Reader Questions:
Capture Bone Scan Tests for Cancer Patients
Question: How should I code a Dexa bone mineral density study for prostate cancer patients... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don't Let Unusual Cystoscopic Findings Scare You
Question: What code should I look at for the cystoscopic laser division of tissue between ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Can You Ever Report Cancer Without Confirmation?
Question: My urologist performed a radical nephrectomy (CPT 50230 ) and he documented the ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Consult Op Report to Determine 58 Versus 79
Question: The urologist saw a patient who began experiencing slowing of his urinary stream... Read more
Reader Questions:
Prove Medical Necessity for Preop Ureteral Stents
Question: General surgeons or gynecologists often ask the urologists I code for to insert ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Scrotal Exploration With Hematoma Drainage
Question: How should I code for a scrotal exploration with removal of hematoma? Alabam... Read more
On the Cutting Edge:
Aspire to Successful Coding for All of Your MESA/PESA/TESA Cases
Don't give up on sperm aspiration payment despite Medicare's policies Male inf... Read more
Clip and Save:
Overcome Aspiration Diagnosis Challenges With This List
See if you've got a handle on common urology modifiersAssigning the proper procedure code ... Read more
Quick Quiz:
Are Your Modifier Skills Top-Notch? Find Out Fast
See if you've got a handle on common urology modifiersAssigning the proper procedure code ... Read more
Are Your Modifier Skills Top-Notch? Find Out Fast
Check the experts' responses to see where you need workHow did you do on the modifier quiz... Read more
News You Can Use:
Look Forward to More Than 500 CPT Changes in January
The AMA hasn't announced specifics, but medicine will be hardest hit When the Amer... Read more
Reader Questions:
Sometimes E/M Is All You Can Code
Question: Our doctor performed a manual hernia reduction (peristomal incarcerated hernia) ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Achieve the Correct HPI Level Every Time
Question: An internal chart audit of our E/M claims shows that our history of present illn... Read more
Reader Questions:
CCI Verbiage Doesn't Mean Forget Modifier 25
Question: In the introduction to Correct Coding Initiative (CCI ) version 13.3 and the sub... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Whom to Believe -- Software or CCI?
Question: In our coding software, the description of CPT 54380 indicates that this proced... Read more
Diagnosis Update:
Reporting 599.7 for Hematuria? Not Anymore
Plus, ICD-9 proposed changes include 3 new urogynecology codes Every October, you'... Read more
Test Your Know-How of Stricture Dilation Codes With a Case Study
Hint: Learn the modifier 26 guidelinesIf you don't know the proper surgical and radiologic... Read more
Solidify Postsurgical Coding With 4 Expert Tips
Trap: Don't think 58 is just for advanced planning Still confused about which post... Read more
Reader Questions:
Get Paid for Codes That You Can't Unbundle
Question: Is there a way of billing for a stent removal on one side and a ureteroscopy on ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Change Your Coding When Doctor Changes Tubes
Question: A patient presented with previously placed nephrostomy tube and a 3-cm renal pel... Read more
Reader Questions:
Use Radical Coding for Missing Components
Question: How should I code a LT-hand assisted radical laparoscopic nephrectomy of the l... Read more
Reader Questions:
Second-Stage TURP Warrants Altered Codes
Question: The urologist did a TURP one day and then had to go back unexpectedly two weeks ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Lesion Resection and Fulguration of Bleed
Question: I need to code the following procedure for my urologist: He performed a cystosco... Read more
Urology Coding Alert:
New Bundles Hit Stone Removal Codes
Plus, CCI bundles 96402 and 90772 with even more E/M codes If you've been reportin... Read more
Expert Advice:
Overcome Penile Prosthesis Exchange Hitch With This Rule
Knowing when to use modifiers 52 and 22 is key to proper payment The urologist clearly... Read more
Capture Urine Culture Payment With These Coding Do's
If you're just assigning 87086 to every culture, you could be losing $3 per testUrine cult... Read more
Reader Questions:
Update Your Contrast Codes
Question: I've started getting rejections on Q9949 when I report it for contrast. Why am I... Read more
Reader Questions:
Base S2900 Coding on Carrier Recognition
Question: I read the article in Vol. 10, No. 2 of Urology Coding Alert regarding coding ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Some Carriers Have Rigid Guidelines on 54250
Question: I have a urologist who wants to bill CPT 54250 in units reflecting the number o... Read more
Reader Questions:
Staples Count as Foreign Bodies
Question: The urologist removed eroded bladder mesh and helical staples from a patient's b... Read more
Reader Questions:
Focus On Procedure Details, Not Money
Question: I billed CPT 52214 and 52204-59 together, and Medicare denied 52214, paying onl... Read more
Reader Questions:
Let Approach Guide Stricture Dilation Coding
Question: How should I code laser dilation of a ureter- oileal stricture by cystoscopy thr... Read more
Reader Questions:
Keep Bladder Fill Coding Simple
Question: Our physicians often perform a procedure in which the patient has an indwellin... Read more
Reader Questions:
Watch Those Parenthetical Procedure References
Question: My physician performed a colpocleisis and perineorrhaphy. She said it was not th... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Excision of Fistulous Tract
Question: My urologist performed a left nephrectomy, excision of fistulous tract, and lysi... Read more
Simplify Instillation Service Coding With 3 Expert Tips
Differentiating between drugs may be your key to reimbursementDon't let bladder instillati... Read more
Choose 61793 for Cyberknife Despite Denials in Most Cases
Tip: Don't stumble into the 77xxx coding pitfall Urologists across the country are... Read more
Clip and Save:
Support Cyberknife Claims With This Explanatory Letter
Plug in the urologist's info and send this to your payerTackle denials for CPT 61793 (Ster... Read more
Medicare OKs Pay for More Moderate Sedation Scenarios
But sedation codes still have Medicare 'C' statusIf you've been struggling to get paid for... Read more
Reader Questions:
No History Doesn't Have to Equal No Consult
Question: A patient came to the office to see the physician, and the patient refused to fi... Read more
Reader Questions:
Follow the Laser to Find the Code
Question: What is the most appropriate code to report when the urologist documents "green-... Read more
Reader Questions:
Limit S2900 to Once per Session
Question: I read the article in Urology Coding Alert (2007, Vol. 10, No. 2) regarding t... Read more
Reader Questions:
Capture Pay Despite Cancelled Procedure
Question: We had a patient on the operating table with the urologist ready to perform a cy... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Capture Retrograde Pyelogram Payment, Too
Question: My urologist performed the following procedures in one session:• left urete... Read more
Apply 3 Rules to Guarantee You Correctly Code Every Multiple Endoscopy Procedure
Are you missing out on hundreds? Now's the time to find out Coding cystoscopy is likely... Read more
Identify Base Codes Quickly and Easily With CMS Fee Schedule
Look to column AD for multiple-endoscope guidanceOnce you know how to apply the multiple e... Read more
Here's Your Key to Recognizing When Modifier 59 Applies
Use this checklist to help avoid denials and audits You know -- and so do payers and a... Read more
Hone Your Critical Care Coding Skills Now, Avoid Denials Later
Watch for life-threatening conditions before reporting 99291-99292Your urologist documents... Read more
Reader Questions:
Appeal When Stone Locations Differ
Question: Our patient has bilateral ureteral stones. The doctor did a cystoscopy, ureteros... Read more
Reader Questions:
Go Ahead -- Report ASC Brachytherapy
Question: My urologist performs brachytherapy in an ambulatory surgery center, and we've b... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don't Let Denials Alter Your Coding
Question: My urologist performed a cystoscopy with a retrograde pyelogram and inserted two... Read more
Reader Questions:
Clarify Procedure Specifics With the Urologist
Question: My urologist performed a "modified inguinal lymph node dissection," and I am que... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Robotic Cystectomy
Question: I was just handed my first robotic cystectomy to code and need help. I cannot fi... Read more
Version 14.0:
Consult CCI Edits Before Reporting New Ablation, HoLEP Codes
The latest CCI targets a large number of urology surgical codes With more than 10,000 ... Read more
In-Office Testing:
Fine-Tune Your Urodynamics Skills With This Case Study
Tip: First determine who performed the testsIf you provide in-office urodynamics testing, ... Read more
Differentiate Between Urodynamics Codes
• In a simple CMG (CPT 51725 , Simple cystometrogram [e.g., spinal manometer]), the u... Read more
News You Can Use:
4 Helpful Hints Solidify Your ASC Coding
Know modifiers, allowable codes for ASC paymentThis year is a year of change for your ambu... Read more
Reader Questions:
Cath Coding Depends on Cystoscopy
Question: The urologist documented the following: "At the end of the procedure, a 16-Frenc... Read more
Reader Questions:
Evaluate Looposcopy Options Before Coding
Question: The urologist performed a looposcopy and stent removal during the same session. ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Good News: Your Pay Is Safe for 6 Months
Question: What is the latest on the potential Fee Schedule changes?Missouri SubscriberAns... Read more
Reader Questions:
New Physician Doesn't Mean New Patient
Question: We have a new urologist in our group whose patients from his previous group foll... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Revolix Laser Prostatectomy
Question: In the last Urology Coding Alert , there is an article about the new CPT 52649 ... Read more
Ensure Your Robotic-Assist Coding Is Living Up to Its Potential
Key: Do payer-specific research before adding S2900 to another claim Since you have a ... Read more
AMA Update:
Increase Documentation for Modifier 22 Thanks to CPT 2008
Good news: You’ll have an easier time choosing 58, 76 or 78 this year The five-d... Read more
Quick Quiz Answers:
Are You Up to Speed on the 2008 CPT Changes? Find Out Fast
Answer 1: D. This year, CPT added two new codes for ureteral stent removal via snare/capt... Read more
Reader Questions:
Look at Stone Size Before Coding
Question: How should I code a suprapubic cystoscopy with stone removal? West Virginia Sub... Read more
Reader Questions:
Different Surgical Locations Equal 2 Codes
Question: I've been told that if a urologist does an ESWL on a kidney stone and then anot... Read more
Reader Questions:
Check for Clinical Evidence With History of Dxs
Question: When should I start using "history of" diagnosis codes if the patient has been ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Save J2001 for IVs
Question: Is there a code we should bill for subcutaneous lidocaine or lidocaine with epi... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Unsupervised Urodynamics
Question: We had some patients show up for urodynamics in our office at times when the do... Read more
CPT 2008 Update:
Kiss Modifier 52 Goodbye for Stent Removals Without Cystoscopy
Plus, you may finally get paid for cryotherapy renal tumor ablation January is a time ... Read more
Other CPT Changes to Note
• CPT Codes 2008 revises the code descriptor for +11008 so it now reads: Removal of... Read more
CPT 2008 Update:
Include NPP in Team Conference Thanks to New Codes
Also, look forward to coding NF visits by time Come January, you'll be faced with several... Read more
Stay Intent on Documentation in Lieu of Consult Clarification
Ensure you know the 5 consultation keys -- we’ll tell you what they are Rumors h... Read more
Avoid Consult Dilemmas With an Easy Form From the Expert
Until clear guidelines come out, cover your bases with this sample form It's time to stre... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don't Double-Dip on H&P
Question: Our physician practice is owned by our hospital, so we have access to their sys... Read more
Reader Questions:
Prove Separate Service Before Appending 25
Question: My physician saw a patient in the office for scrotal hematoma and sent him dire... Read more
You Be the Coder:
52204/52005 and Modifier 59
Question: According to Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits, 52005 is a component of co... Read more
Available Years:  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  

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