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Urology Coding Alert
Urology Coding Alert
Urology Coding Alert - 2004; Volume 6, Number 12
Gain Control of Your Stress Incontinence Treatment Coding
Make sure you can distinguish the different SUI treatment options - mistakes could cost ...
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Plug Up Leaky Reimbursement for Sphincter Deficiency Implants
Using 599.82 for SUI implants solves your 51715 woes - but coding for supplies is tricki...
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RVU Update:
Expect More Pay for Evaluation and Management Codes in 2005
CMS finds 2 ways to raise the fees for E/M services next year There's good news f...
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E/M Brushup:
Test Your Coding Skills on These 3 Scenarios
Focus on the right components to bring in $15 per exam Knowing how the CPT Rules apply fo...
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Reader Questions:
Be Sure No One Can Fault Your Culture Coding
Question: I'm wondering about CPT Code 87081, urine screen culture. What are the req...
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Reader Questions:
Use Reason for Bladder Scan to Decide Code
Question: When my urologist does a bladder scan in the office, which code should I use? I ...
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Reader Questions:
Get Specific With Prosthesis Malfunction Diagnosis
Question: Our surgeon revised a malfunctioning inflatable penile prosthesis. Our Blue Cr...
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Reader Questions:
Unravel the Da Vinci Code
Question: In November, both of my urologists will start using the Da Vinci system for robo...
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Reader Questions:
Corral Migrating Stents With Modifier -22
Question: A patient had a laser lithotripsy, and the urologist left a stent in place. She ...
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You Be the Coder:
Irrigation and Suprapubic Tube Change
Question: My urologist did a suprapubic tube change (51705). He had heard at a seminar tha...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2004; Volume 6, Number 11
CPT 2005 Update:
Ring In the New Year With 3 New Fournier's Debridement Codes
Plus: Look for new therapeutic installation and pelvic-floor repair codes Your days of...
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Code Kidney Transplant Preparations More Accurately
CPT 2005 adds backbench codes and revises donor nephrectomy descriptors There is often ex...
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Know the Ropes for Coding Consults and Referrals
Brush up on the difference to stay away from audits - and save $45 Just because anoth...
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Untangle Admissions From Office Visits:
4 Scenarios Show You the Way
Get the pay you deserve for 2-day services If you want to earn your fair share of reimburs...
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You Be the Expert:
Report Initial Hospital Care for Admits Only
Question: I was recently called into the hospital to take over the care of a patient whe...
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Reader Question:
No Modifiers Needed for 2 Surgeons' Work
Question: Dr. A was performing a hand-assisted laparoscopic nephrectomy. Dr. B had to exte...
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Reader Question:
Report New ICD-9 Code for Overflow Incontinence
Question: Is 788.3 the right ICD-9 Code to report for urinary incontinence, as of Oct. 1...
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Reader Question:
Service on Oct. 1? Apply New ICD-9 Codes
Question: I'm wondering about the new ICD-9 Codes that came out on Oct. 1. If the date of ...
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Reader Question:
Be Sure 99211 Service Is Significant
Question: We have a patient with a chronic catheter. He brought his own supplies, and the ...
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Reader Question:
Use Unlisted-Procedure Code for Renal Cryoablation
Question: My surgeon performed an intraoperative renal ultrasound and true-cut biopsy on a...
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Reader Question:
Append -47 to Prostate Block for Some Private Payers
Question: We have been billing CPT 64450 for the prostate block when we do a prostate bi...
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Reader Question:
Same-Day Discharge? Report the 99234 Series
Question: We kept a patient in the hospital overnight for observation and decided the next...
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You Be the Coder:
Bowel-to-Bowel Anastomosis
Question: A patient had a squamous cell cancer of the urethra that spread to the prostat...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2004; Volume 6, Number 10
Harvest Bountiful Returns for Correct Brachytherapy Seed Coding
With more than $700 per procedure on the line, keeping the physicians' roles straigh...
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NCCI 10.3 Update:
Ureterolysis, Needle Guidance Feel the Bundling Fury
Starting Oct. 1, you'll be coding 26 urology procedures differentlyWhen your urologist des...
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Quick Key:
Master the Ureterolysis Edits With This Tool
Check this list before you report 50715 with another urology procedure Ncci Edits 10....
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3 Tips to Improve Your 51701 Encounter Pay
The rules have changed now that 51701 is no longer a starred procedure When billing for o...
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Quick Key:
Find Your Way to Correct Needle Placement Coding
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BPH Diagnosis for PSA
An article in the September 2004 issue of the Urology Coding Alert, "BPH With Obstr...
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Reader Question:
Understand the Nature of Duplicate Urethra for Correct Coding
Question: Which code should I report for excision of a duplicate urethra? The urologist is...
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Reader Question:
Laparoscopic Vasectomy Is an Unlisted Procedure
Question: Which code should I report for a laparoscopic vasectomy? This was done at the sa...
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Reader Question:
Code Acucise Fearlessly With Endopyelotomy Code
Question: My physician did a percutaneous nephrostolithotomy but was unable to insert a si...
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You Be the Coder:
Clot Evacuation and Tumor Fulguration
Question: My doctor performed an evacuation of a clot and fulguration of a bladder tumor...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2004; Volume 6, Number 9
Case Study:
Perk Up Your Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Coding
Kidney stones gather no reimbursement - unless you know your modifiers and code descriptor...
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News You Can Use:
BPH With Obstruction to Diagnosis List for PSA
The bad news: Lower allowances for Zoladex, Lupron and ViadurGood news: On Oct. 1, you'll ...
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Reporting 2 Diagnosis Codes for Modifier -25 Claims? Read This First
Paying attention to globals can rescue you from costly denials Your urologist provide...
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Reader Question:
Use Surgeon's Interpretation to Determine Coding Within Global
Question: My urologist saw a Medicare patient who had had a TURP (CPT Code 52612, Transu...
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Reader Question:
Include Abdomen, Pelvis Codes for Spiral CT
Question: About six months ago we purchased our own CT scanner. We were informed that when...
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Reader Question:
Only Code Corpora Injections Once
Question: A patient came into the office complaining of impotence. We billed J2440 and 542...
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Reader Question:
Meet Incident-To Guidelines for Nurse Cysto
Question: According to the Medicare Carriers Manual, CPT Code 74455 must have personal sup...
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Reader Question:
Look at Diverticulum Code for Perineal Mass
Question: One of my urologists did a perineal exploration and excision of perineal mass. I...
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You Be the Coder:
Groin Exploration
Question: Our patient was to have a hydrocelectomy. After the patient was asleep, the ur...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2004; Volume 6, Number 8
Master Your Interstitial Cystitis Coding With This Expert Strategy
Recoup more than $200 per patient with these treatment and drug codes With almost a h...
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Don't Count Out 52260 for Lack of Diagnosis
Hint: Code 595.1 isn't the only medically necessary diagnosis CPT Codes 52260 and 52265 s...
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Don't Get Litho-Tripped Up by ESWL Coding
Proper modifier use is key to surviving these kidney stone scenariosESWL is ESWL is ESWL ...
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News You Can Use:
CMS Revises Policy for Office Visit With Chemo Injection
Still billing 96400 with 99211? Not anymore, Medicare says If you're confused by recent ...
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Take Steps Reduce Denials for Teaching Physician Services
Techniques can clarify confusing Medicare guidelines When a physician works as a "teachin...
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You Be the Expert:
TP Rules and Med Students
Question: I've heard about the new teaching physician (TP) guidelines and was wonde...
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Reader Questions:
Check Documentation for Plenaxis
Question: We've started using Plenaxis, which was just approved by the FDA last November, ...
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Reader Questions:
1 Code Covers Meatotomy and Meatoplasty
Reviewed on May 27, 2015; no changes to content Question: Our urologist perfor...
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Reader Questions:
Can't Have Your PVP and TURP, Too
Question: My urologist started a photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) and the...
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Reader Questions:
Consider Partial Cystectomy Code for
Question: My urologist did a very involved procedure for a patient with a ureteral tumor, ...
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Reader Question:
Know the Meaning of 'Immediately Available'
Question: If the doctor has to leave the room for a few minutes during a procedure ...
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You Be the Coder:
Ejaculatory Duct Mass
Question: Which CPT code should I use to bill a transurethral approach of a resection of...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2004; Volume 6, Number 7
New ICD-9 Codes Bring Good News for Urogynecologists
Report specific genital prolapses and track prostate cancer susceptibility with these new ...
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News You Can Use:
CMS Bundles Surgical Prostatectomies
NCCI 10.2 affects laparoscopies, lidocaine injections and catheters Be careful how you co...
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Quick Key:
Get the NCCI 10.2 Bundle Rundown Here
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Quick Key:
Take Note of These New Mutually Exclusive Code Pairs
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Follow These 3 Co-Surgery Rules for a 62.5% Payoff
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Reader Question:
Avoid 55845 for Node Dissection, No Prostatectomy
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Reader Question:
Is Cysto Bundle Breakable?
Question: Can we bill CPT 52005 and CPT 52332 when they're done at the same session, if ...
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Reader Question:
Beware of Duplicating Radiology Claims
Question: We sent a patient for X-rays of his kidney, ureters and bladder (KUB). The pati...
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Reader Question:
Don't Get Drained by Catheter Coding
Question: Our doctor inserts a catheter to collect "clean catch" urine specimens. What's ...
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Bladder Neck Incisions Call for Tight Coding
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Urology Coding Alert - 2004; Volume 6, Number 6
Visualize Full Reimbursement for Urological Imaging
Improper coding of ultrasounds and x-rays could cost you $242 for each prostate biopsy and...
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You Be The Coder:
Circumnavigate Circumcision Codes
Question: What's the diagnosis code for a patient unable to retract his foreskin? ...
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Inject Success Into Your Urethral Implant Coding
Know how to code the tests, supplies and procedures -- and see a $300 pay up Coding for u...
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News You Can Use:
Medicare Clarifies CMS-1500 Form Rules
Mixing up ordering and supervising physicians could lead to violations If a urologist orde...
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Prolonged Services
Struggling to secure payment for your urologist's prolonged services? Try this field-teste...
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Reader Question:
Unblock Payment Options for Nerve Block
Question: Our physicians have started using a prostatic block for prostate biopsies. Can w...
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Reader Question:
Know Rules for PSA Screenings and Diagnostics
Question: What are Medicare's coverage criteria for PSA testing? Are both free and total P...
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Reader Question:
Incident-To Rules Govern Instruction
Question: What's the correct code for a nurse teaching a patient to perform self-catheteri...
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Reader Question:
Warm Up to Renal Cryosurgery Coding
Question: Is there a code for renal cryosurgery? The urologist made an incision and placed...
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Reader Question:
Don't Strain Reporting Hernia Repair With 54640
Question: If my doctor performs an inguinal hernia repair and an orchiopexy in the same su...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2004; Volume 6, Number 5
Case Study:
Hematuria and Cystourethroscopy Lead to Multiple ED and Office Codes
Documentation is key to getting reimbursed for several procedures in different sites No m...
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Expect Pay if You Know the Urological Supply Ropes
Understand Medicare's definition of 'permanent' for accurate catheter paymen...
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You Be The coder:
54065 Covers All Wart Removal Methods
Question: Our doctor performed fulguration on 28 genital warts comprising about 14 sq cm...
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News You Can Use:
Say Goodbye to Your Coding Compliance Grace Periods
Tip: Review the CMS Web site to update charge forms You'll have a little less time to adj...
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Get ABNs, or Risk Picking Up Patient Tabs
Without ABNs, unpaid Medicare bills may become your problem If you aren't obtaining a...
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Reader Question:
Welcome Back, A4644!
Question: In the 2004 HCPCS book, A4644 is crossed out. Which code should I use now when...
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Reader Question:
Vaporize Coding Problems With TURP Code
Question: My doctor performed a cystourethroscopy with evacuation of clots from the bladde...
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Reader Question:
Use Insertion Code for Prosthesis Revision
Question: Our doctor did a revision of a testicular prosthesis with scrotal exploration. T...
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Reader Question:
Code for Both Lupron Injections and Supplies
Question: Does the J code for Lupron include both the cost of the drug and the time the ph...
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Reader Question:
Don't Expect Reimbursement for Sperm Aspiration
Question: One of our doctors would like to start doing sperm aspiration on patients who ha...
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Reader Question:
Don't Stress Over Stress Test Coding
Question: Is there a code for a saline stress test? My doctor is checking for any bladder ...
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Reader question:
Multiple Procedures Lead to Complex Coding
Question: One of my physicians performed an percutaneous nephrostolithotomy with rem...
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Reader Question:
All That Gets Paid Is Not Gold
Question: I'm wondering about coding for gold marker placement into the prostate. From wha...
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Reader Question:
Follow the CMS Definition of 'Deliver'
Question: Since the purpose of an ABN is to inform the patient about a service, our office...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2004; Volume 6, Number 4
Frequently Asked Questions About Coding Hand-Assisted Laparoscopies
3 answers can boost your reimbursement by 30 percent Can't find a code for a hand-assiste...
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News You Can Use:
NCCI 10.1 Complicates Coding for Dilation and Stenosis
Find out when you can -- and can't -- use -59 to override the latest edits Reporti...
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Quick Key:
Get the NCCI 10.1 Rundown Here
Integrate these new urology bundles before the month's end The National Correct Coding Ini...
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Reader Question:
Expand Your Prosthesis Coding With This Rule
Question: A patient presented with an infected non-inflatable penile prosthesis. We remove...
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Reader Question:
Open Up Billing Opportunities With Nephrectomy
Question: Our surgeon performed a hand-assisted laparoscopic radical nephrectomy and finis...
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Reader Question:
Sling Questions at Your Doctor to Confirm Codes
Question: Normally, when our doctors do a urethral sling and an arcus tendinous bladder sl...
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Reader Question:
Add -22 to Services for Duplicate Ureter
Question: One of our patients has two ureters on the left side. The doctor placed double-J...
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Reader Question:
Expect Modifiers for Unexpected Encounters
Question: A patient who had a percutaneous nephro-stolithotomy last week returned to the...
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Reader Question:
Focus on -51 for ESWL With Laser Procedures
Question: My physician is doing an ESWL, plus a ureteronephroscopy with holmium laser of t...
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Reader Question:
Ponder Alternatives to 52310
Question: The physician palpated the patient's flaccid penis, and found a hard area in the...
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You Be The Coder:
Point to Path/Lab Codes for Prostate Massage
Question: My physician does EPS (express prostatic secretion) on several patients. He uses...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2004; Volume 6, Number 3
Eliminate Guesswork Using These Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Codes
Juggling codes for PSA is easy Knowing how to code for diagnosis and treatment of pro...
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Spare Yourself E/M Appeals For NPPs
Know your 'incident-to' coding rulesCoding right the first time for incident-to E/M servic...
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Get Used to Coding for NPPs
Growing numbers mean more scrutinyAccording to the American Medical Association, nearly 60...
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News Briefs:
Learn Your LMRP's Interferon Rules for Reimbursement
Check with carriers for your statusIn several states, CMS will no longer reimburse for doc...
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NCCI 10.0 Bundles Retrograde Cystos With Other Cystos
urology practices may no longer unbundle CPT Code 52005. National Correct Coding Initiat...
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You Be the Coder - Reader Question
Cut Through Bladder Coding Confusion Question: Our physician performed a transurethra...
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Reader Question:
Rack Up Reimbursement for 54600
Question: Should we be reimbursed for a bilateral reduction of torsion of testes? I billed...
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Reader Question:
Learn Carrier's Policy for Urodynamics
Question: Medicare is denying 51741-26 when billed with 52000, 51726-26, 51784-26, 51795-2...
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Reader Question:
Track Category II Codes for Quality of Care
Question: What is the new Category II section in CPT code 2004 and how should we use it?Pe...
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Reader Question:
Add -52 for Ileal Conduit With Total Urethrectomy
Question: We performed a radical cystectomy with an ileal conduit diversion (51595) for ...
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Reader Question:
Append Modifier -62 for Double Bill
Question: A patient presents for a combined incontinence correction procedure and vaginal ...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2004; Volume 6, Number 2
Don't Give Up on Vasectomy Reimbursement
Cut through the confusion with these tips Several managed-care providers and private carr...
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New Year Brings New Edits:
NCCI 10.0 Bundles Cystourethroscopy Procedures
Separate anesthesia billing is a no-no A new year means new National Correct Coding Init...
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News Brief:
Payments Increase 1.5 Percent for Urologists in 2004 and 2005Payments Increase 1.5 Percent for Urologists in 2004 and 2005
Urologists break even as work RVUs are cut and conversion factor increases CMS offered u...
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Quick Key:
Get the NCCI 10.0 Rundown Here
New bundles will keep you current The National Correct Coding Initiative ( Ncci Edits ), ...
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Pelvic Pouch Procedure Proves Prickly
Question: My urologist did an endoscopic examination (cystoscopy) of a continent abdominal...
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Restructure Appeals With These 6 Steps
Get organized for easier, more productive appeals When your practice receives a deni...
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Reader Question:
Two Surgeons Starring in a Double Bill
Question: One of our urologists performed a sling operation and a sacrospinous ligament fi...
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Reader Question:
Get the Mo$t for a Doubleheader
Question: We diagnosed a patient complaining with cystitis. We performed a cystoscopy and ...
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Reader Question:
Not Everybody Must Get Stones
Question: A diagnosis of kidney stones required that we perform an extracorporeal shockwav...
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Reader Question:
Getting Short-Stay and TURP Pay
Question: An emergency room patient presented with gross hematuria and inability to void. ...
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You Be the Coder:
Partial TURP Yields Partial Reimbursement
Question: Should I use a code for transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) and app...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2004; Volume 6, Number 1
Major CPT and ICD-9 Code Changes Coming in 2004
Read this preview to make sure your office is up-to-date on new laparoscopy and urethrolys...
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Code Urodynamics Correctly to Avoid a Flood of Rejections
Take pressure off your bottom line with these tips Urodynamics diagnosis and procedur...
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Go With the Flow Using Modifiers for Urodynamics
Everything you need to know to collect your fair share for urodynamics Code urodynamics s...
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Your Key to Unlocking Biofeedback Reimbursement
Biofeedback may help patients relax, but it often stresses out coders trying to make sur...
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Reader Question:
Billing Twice Isn't Nice for Cystourethroscopy
Question: Is CPT 52005 a bilateral procedure? The physician does the same procedure for ...
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Reader Question:
Missing Bladder Requires Crafty Coding
Question: A 65-year-old patient underwent a radical cystectomy for bladder cancer, with an...
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Reader Question:
Coding Calculus Doesn't Have to Be Hard
Question: How should we code for a pouchoscopy with holmium laser lithotripsy of Indiana p...
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You Be the Coder:
Dig Deep for Biopsy Reimbursement
Question: When a doctor performs a transurethral biopsy of the bladder and a transurethr...
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Available Years: