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Urology Coding Alert
Urology Coding Alert
Urology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 4
Circumvent Denials for Circumcision Claims With Medical Necessity
If you're using diagnosis codes for cosmetic or religiously motivated ci...
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Included or Not Included? That Is the 54640 Question
Urologists commonly perform inguinal orchiopexies and h...
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News Brief:
2003 Fee Schedule Increases Physician Pay
The fruit of intensive lobbying by physician groups on Capitol Hill took formal shape Fe...
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Test Your Modifier Knowledge
Brush up on your modifiers, coders: You are your practice's best line of defe...
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Confidently Code Bladder Scan Diagnoses
One fundamental concept should drive your bladder scan ICD-9 Coding: Bladder...
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Understand Roles Of Physicians Working Together
Whether performing a joint procedure or assisting with intraoperative compli...
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Coder to Coder
"There has to be communication, coder-to-coder or biller-to-biller, that mod...
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Use CMS as Your TURB-Coding Measuring Stick
Don't let cloudy CPT Guidelines for bladder lesion removal throw you off. Use...
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Orchiopexy and Hernia Repair Coding CheatSheet
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Reader Question:
Diagnosis Code Surgery Complications
Question: What are the correct diagnosis codes for a patient who had a spermatocelectomy...
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Reader Question:
Dont Avoid Coding Voiding Trials
Question: How should I code a "voiding trial"? UCA Subscriber ...
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Reader Question:
Append -52 to Unsuccessful Stricture Surgery
Question: During a planned ureteroscopy, stone extraction, and possible laser lithotrips...
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Reader Question:
Dont Mix -57 and Minor Procedures
Question: We use modifier -57 on separately identifiable E/M services during which the ...
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Reader Question:
Dont Consider Multiple Tumors Unusual
Question: When we report multiple medium bladder tumors resected in a single surgical se...
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Reader Question:
Stop the Search for an Incision Code
Question: What is the code for a post-prostatectomy bladder neck contracture that was tr...
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Reader Question:
Contract 52601 and -22
Question: My urologist performed a urethrotomy prior to a TURP procedure because of a bl...
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Reader Question:
Avoid Comparable DrugCodes
Question: How should I code for the drug neomycin when it is used for bladder irrigation...
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Reader Question:
When Appropriate,Unbundle
Question: Is it appropriate to use modifier -59 to break the bundle between 52318 and 52...
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Reader Question:
Examine Biopsy Code Definitions
Question: Should I use modifier -51 or modifier -59 to code multiple bladder lesions bio...
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Reader Question:
Use Image to Choose 51798 or 76775
Question: What is the difference between CPT 76775 and CPT 51798? I know it has to do ...
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Reader Question:
Re-Examine the Documentation
Question: My urologist performed a cytoscopy with biopsy of a small bladder tumor, a cys...
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You Be the Coder:
Bridge the Adhesion Terminology Gap
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before lo...
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You Be the Coder:
Exclude Bladder Lesion Margins
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before lo...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 8
Reporting 2 ICD-9 Codes for BPH and Urinary Obstruction? Not for Long
CMS gets specific with male genital disease diagnoses ...
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News You Can Use:
NCCI 9.2 Bundles Fluoroscopy Into ESWL
The latest version of the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits perpetuates the ...
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Quick Key:
Dont Miss the Boat: Incorporate These Urology-Related ICD-9 Changes
If you aren't using these diagnosis codes when October rolls around, don't be surpr...
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Modifier -59 Is Not Your License to Unbundle
Appending -59 (Distinct procedural service) to a code will essentially...
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Quick Key:
Get the NCCI 9.2 Rundown Here
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NCCI 101:
Navigate the Edits Lingo
Tired of bungling bundles and misinterpreting mutually exclusives? Bru...
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Reader Question:
Float ROS to the Consult Level
Question: Does the urologist need to specifically document all 14 systems for the revie...
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Reader Question:
Choose Between 2 Block Codes
Question: What code should I use for a prostate block? New York Subscriber...
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You Be the Coder:
Aspire to Correct Aspiration Coding
Question: How should I code the aspiration of a seminal vesicle abscess under ultrasound...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 9
Don't Oversimplify Coding Radical Nephrectomies
All radical nephrectomies should not be coded the same. Urologists don't always re...
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Using Documentation Templates? Read This First
You have to base your ICD-9 Coding on your physician's documentation, but that doesn...
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Log On for SNF and Lupron Coding Answers
CMS reaches out to confused urology Coders with the answer to its million-dollar question...
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Regulatory News:
Take the Money and Run
CMS Has a Change of Heart on Proposed Mass Adjustment Good news for your practice: Urolog...
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Reader Question:
Use Your Ureteral Cancer Coding Skills
Question: My urologist performed a ureteroneocystostomy with a psoas hitch for ureteral ca...
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Reader Question:
See Eye to Eye With CPT on System Exams
Question: Should I include head and face, eyes, ENT, and skin when assigning an E/M code f...
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Reader Question:
Differentiate Vasectomy V Codes
Question: Which diagnosis code should I report for a prevasectomy exam? Should I link the ...
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Reader Question:
Beware 'Bilateral' Cystoscopies
Question: My urologist performed a cystoscopy with fulguration of bleeding points on both ...
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You Be the Coder:
Code Biopsies for Carcinoma Carefully
Question: Which diagnosis code should I link to biopsies of normal-appearing bladder tis...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 2
Finalized 2003 Fee Cuts Spare Urologists
Finally, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has published the 2003 Physi...
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New HCPCS Brachytherapy Codes Alter Medicare Coding
Two new HCPCS Codes for prostate brachytherapy deliver marked changes in hos...
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Dont Estimate Calculate Your Reimbursements
Reimbursement can differ from state to state, so to avoid a letdown from calculating...
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Take Time to Code 76873 with Prostate Brachytherapy
As Medicare continues to scale back payment for prostate brachytherapy, it is mor...
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News Brief:
CCI 9.0 Blocks Out Billing for 64416
Urology coders glide through the latest Correct Coding Initiative edits and into the n...
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Reader Question:
Ease Complicated Video Urodynamics Reimbursement
Question: How does the use of video equipment in urodynamics studies affect coding and ...
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Reader Question:
Use Unlisted-Procedure Code for Degloving of Penis
Question: My urologist degloved a patient's penis, explored for damage, and nothing more...
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Reader Question:
Use -57 and -52 for Intraoperative Consult and Exploration
Question: Our physician was called in during a hysterectomy to confirm or deny the pres...
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Reader Question:
Apply CPT Surgical Guidelines to New CPT Codes
Question: Can we report anesthesia separately if it is used with one of the new b...
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Reader Question:
Use CCI Edits to Demystify Bundles
Question: I can't figure out whether certain procedures are bundled, let alone how to co...
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You Be the Coder:
Append -51 to Cysto Code When Performed with CMGs
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 1
Count on New Urine Culture Coding Guidelines to Increase Reimbursement Flow
If you don't know the new guidelines for coding urine cultures, you won't get squat th...
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Properly Select Urine Culture Codes Using Test Specifics
To properly apply the urine culture codes subject to CMS'recent national coverage dete...
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10 Steps to Ensure ICD-9-CM Coding Compliance
When coders make the same mistakes again and again, the feds could view those ben...
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News Brief:
Medicare News You Can Use: Changes in NPP Rules Increase Reimbursement
Finally, CMS delivers news that urologists want to hear. Effective Oct. 25, 2002, chan...
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The November 2002 Urology Coding Alert ("Vaporize Laser Lithotripsy Woes," page 87) inco...
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Calm Your SNS Coding Nerves in Three Simple Steps
Thanks to CMS'national coverage determination for sacral nerve stimulation (SNS), ther...
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Code Female Incontinence Procedures Without Stress
The only surefire approach to coding surgical procedures for stress ur...
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Coding Biofeedback FAQs:
Look to CMS for Instructions for Billing 90901 and 90911
Biofeedback (90901 and 90911) can influence two kinds of physiologic respons...
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Reader Question:
Link Bladder Scans to Most Accurate ICD-9 Codes
Question: I am confused about which diagnosis codes Medicare considers covered for bladd...
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Reader Question:
Modify Coding for 99244 and Catheterizations With -25
Question: We are getting denials from Medicare carriers when we bill office consultation...
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Reader Question:
Dont Bust a Gut Coding a Ruptured Pouch
Question: A previously diverted patient presented with a rupture of his diversional inte...
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Reader Question:
Ring In the New Year With 99371
Question: Our urologist spent 20 minutes during office hours on the phone providing advi...
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Reader Question:
Modify Urodynamics in the Postoperative Period
Question: We are getting denials for urodynamics testing in the postoperative period of ...
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Reader Question:
Code EMG Services Prior to Biofeedback Separately
Question: If EMG services are included in biofeedback (90901 and 90911), are they separa...
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Reader Question:
Bill Postoperative Biofeedback With Modifier -79
Question: If my urologist performs biofeedback during a patient's postoperative period, ...
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You Be the Coder:
Simplify Complex Penile Lesion Destruction
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking ...
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You Be the Coder:
Use CCI Edits to Combat Denials for 51795 and 51797
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before lo...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 7
Achieve Surefire Penile Prosthesis Reimbursement With This Handy Rule
When it comes to penile prosthesis codes, you won't find any to represent the remova...
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SNFs Can Snuff Your Pay if You Dont Know the Ropes
If you think worrying about skilled nursing facility (SNF) patients is something only t...
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Urology News You Can Use:
Expect Higher Reimbursement For 2 Common Procedures
A May 9 CMS Program Memorandum increases the reimbursement for two common urology ...
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Think Youve Made Your Case for Modifier -22? Not if You Havent Done These 5 Things
If you're submitting claims for unusual procedural services...
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Test Yourself:
Opt for -22 Over an Unlisted-Procedure Code
Question: Our physician asks us to report procedures that take extra time and effort wit...
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Reader Question:
Account for Multiple Cath Attempts
Question: Can I report a code for a Foley catheter insertion if it was inserted through a...
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Reader Question:
Assist Your Nephrectomy Code With -62
Question: What is the code for a hand-assisted laparoscopic nephrectomy? Can I report tw...
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Reader Question:
Dont Stop at Modifier -22
Question: How should I report a bilateral spermato-celectomy for a Medicare patient? Indi...
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Reader Question:
Lay Anatomy Troubles to Rest
Question: Our urologist performed multiple bladder biopsies and transurethral resection (...
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Reader Question:
Dissect Anatomy to Determine Bilaterality
Question: My urologist performed a bladder biopsy at the same time another physician per...
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Reader Question:
Stick to the Diagnosis Coding Basics
Question: I'm new to diagnosis coding and can't figure out how to code "urethral trauma....
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Reader Question:
Choose Your Coding Poison Based on Documentation
Question: How should I decide whether managing excessive bleeding that requires extra p...
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You Be the Coder:
Watch Your Urodynamics Coding
Question: Sometimes my urologist has the technician take a video of urodynamics with the...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 6
Take Physician Roll Call Before Coding Prostate Biopsies
There is no defined set of codes that you should report every time your urologist perf...
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Use Modifier -58 to Code Second Looks
If you consider your urologist's "second look" a few days after an endourologic proced...
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News You Can Use:
Your Multiple-Procedures Policy May Have Changed
If you automatically append modifier -51 to multiple surgeries performed by the s...
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Case Study:
Boost Resection Reimbursement In One Simple Step
If you're not differentiating bladder biopsy codes CPT 52204 and CPT 52224 from thei...
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Reader Question:
Ignore New Brachytherapy Codes
Question: I noticed new HCPCS codes for brachytherapy seed implants, G0256 and G0...
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Reader Question:
Use -58 for Post-ESWL Stone Basket
Question: A Medicare patient had ESWL last month. The physician was not successful in br...
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Reader Question:
Dont Bill Mandatory Consults
Question: We billed Medicare for a cystoscopy with stent insertion using code CPT 5233...
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Reader Question:
Append -52 for Failed Dilation
Question: A physician did a consult in the hospital and attempted to insert 16 french co...
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Reader Question:
Sequence 52281 and 52332 to Your Liking
Question: Which codes should I use for a cysto with retrograde followed by pl...
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Reader Question:
Report 35840 for Mysterious Decompression
Question: My urologist documents performing a "right groin postoperative inc...
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Reader Question:
Selectively Report E/Ms With Screenings
Question: What are the rules for coding prostate cancer screenings? Can we report E/M se...
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You Be the Coder:
Separately Report Stricture and TURP
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looki...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 3
The Case of the Missing TURP Code:
Code Tissue Resection in the Post-Op Period
The lack of a TURP code to represent...
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Heat Up Your Thermal Therapy TURP-Alternative Coding
WIT, TUMT, TUNA and Indigo laser treatments for benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH...
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Coding Update:
New Guidelines for 76000 And 51798
You're not alone if you've been receiving denials for billing fluoroscopy with your ...
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News You Can Use:
CMS Updates 2003 Urinary System RVUs
If CMS hasn't given you enough food for thought this year, try chewing on the Jan. 17 ...
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In the January issue of Urology Coding Alert Extra (Calm Your SNS Coding Nerves), it st...
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Reader Questions:
Use 50240 for Nephron-SparingNephrectomy
Question: Is there a code to charge for a nephron-sparing partial nephrectomy? My docto...
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Reader Questions:
Code Scrotal Approach 54520
Question: How should I code a right scrotal orchiectomy for missed torsion performed at...
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Reader Questions:
Apply 55150 to -Ectomy
Question: What code should I use for a "partial scrotectomy," as termed by my urologis...
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Reader Questions:
Expect Endoscopic Reduction Billing 52318
Question: We recently billed CPT 52601 (Transurethral electrosurgical resection of ...
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Reader Questions:
Bill Post-Op TURP With -78
Question: I am a little confused on how to bill for evacuation of clots and fulguratio...
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Reader Questions:
Code Rare TUR With 52347
Question: My urologist describes his service as a transurethral resection of the ejacul...
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Reader Questions:
Consult Carrier Before Billing Botox
Question: What is the code for a Botox injection into the bladder for incontinence? Mar...
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You Be the Coder:
Ask Why Second Cystostomy?
Test your coding knowledge.Determine how you would code this situation before looking ...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 5
Sequence Your Codes Correctly It Pays Off
You already know that you should sequence the highest-paying procedure first on your cl...
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Use HPI Requirements to Curtail Underpaid E/M Claims
Many urology visits that should score a level-four or -five E/M code are reported as lev...
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News Brief:
CCI 9.1 Update:A Handful of Hassles
Urology coders may think they've gotten off easy with the latest CCI edits, but if the...
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Reader Question:
Dont Limit Codes to Urinary System
Question: Is there a CPT code for a "vesico colonic fistula?" My urolog...
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Reader Question:
Dont Assume It Was Aspiration
Question: Is there an aspiration code specific to aspiration of the testicle or epididym...
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Reader Question:
Let Carrier Determine Post-Op Billing
Question: I'm trying to code a repair of an anastamosis of the urethra in the operating...
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Reader Question:
Consider -22 for Two Biopsies
Question: My urologist performed a ureteroscopy and biopsy of the renal pelvis and the p...
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Reader Question:
Check Source of Steroid Supply
Question: I am having trouble coding a transrectal ultrasound performed with a prostate ...
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Reader Question:
Beware Urologists Performing Preventive Services
Question: If my urologist provided a preventive physical exam on the same day as an E/M ...
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You Be the Coder:
Question Use of -22 for Extra Work
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 11
Avoid OIG Scrutiny While Increasing Revenue by 15 Percent
How to turn 'incident-to' services from confusing to profitable. Coding incorrectly for n...
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Clip-and-Save Checklist:
Make Sure Your Incident-To Services Check Out
If you answer "No" to any of these questions, the services cannot be billed as incident-to...
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Get the Payment You Deserve When You Go Back to the OR
Requirements and reimbursement potential of modifiers -78 and -79 Practices can avoid for...
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6 Suggestions for Foolproof Modifier -25 Coding
Who knew that one little modifier could cause so many headaches? Put modifier -25 on your ...
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Reader Question:
Indicate Excess Work With -22
Question: My urologist performed a retropubic prostatectomy including the external iliac a...
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Reader Question:
Collaborate on In-Office Referral Documentation
Question: For a patient interested in a minimally invasive procedure for BPH, one of our p...
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Reader Question:
Roll In-Office Service Into Hospital Admit Code
Question: When we admit a patient to the hospital directly from the office, should we bill...
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Reader Question:
Accept Consultations Referred by Many Sources
Question: Who can request a consultation from a urologist?Kansas Subscriber Answer: Certai...
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You Be the Coder:
Code Lymph Node-Less Radical Nephrectomy
Question: My urologist performed a laparoscopic radical nephrectomy but did not remove the...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 12
Un-Bundle of Joy:
Get the Most From Multiple Endoscopies
You could be missing out on as much as 15 percent per procedure If you don't know...
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Multiple Endoscopy Rule Cheat Sheet
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Reporting Anesthesia Doesn't Have to Be a Pain
Don't write-off anesthesia The American Urological Association (AUA) advises agai...
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Free NCCI Edits Available on the Web
On Sept. 2, the CMS posted automated edits on its Web site. These edits, known as the Nati...
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Reader Question:
The Power of Three
Question: How should I code a radical cystoprostatectomy with bilateral pelvic lymphadenec...
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Reader Question:
Post-Op Complications Need Not Be a Strain
Question: A patient undergoes a radical prostatectomy. Sixteen days after the removal of h...
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Reader Question:
Only One E/M a Day Will Get the Doctor His Pay
Question: For a bladder tumor checkup/follow-up (outpatient), we have been billing CPT 520...
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Reader Question:
One Tumor Code Is Enough
Question: My urologist transurethrally resected several bladder lesions of varying sizes. ...
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Reader Question:
Documentation for Consultation
Question: A patient was referred to us by his primary- care physician because of concern o...
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You Be the Coder:
Choose a V Code to Diagnose Stomal Stenosis
Question: What diagnosis and procedure codes should I use to report dilation of ileal cond...
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Urology Coding Alert - 2003; Volume 5, Number 10
Identify 'Above and Beyond' Services With These Expert Tips
Make sure you understand modifier -25Yes, modifier -25 will get you reimbursed for E/M ser...
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Choose Between Consults and Referrals - $$ Is on the Line
And regulators are paying close attention to these services Coding consults and refer...
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Rules Differ for Confirmatory Consults
According to CPT Codes, "A 'consultation' initiated by a patient and/or fam...
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Six Must-Have HIPAA Training Skills
You can have all the HIPAA training in the world, but if you're not enforcing and practici...
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Reader Question:
Trust TRUS-With-Biopsy Pay
Question: Our transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) claims are hit and miss - sometimes the carrie...
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Reader Question:
Dig Deep for Scrotum Engulfment Code
Question: How should I code "scrotum engulfment syndrome"? New York Subscri...
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Reader Question:
Who Specified What Matters
Question: How do I determine if I should choose a "not otherwise specified" diagnosis code...
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Reader Question:
Use -52 for Nephrectomy, Not Lymphadenectomy
Question: What is the correct CPT code for a nephrectomy with adrenalectomy and removal ...
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Reader Question:
Swallow Botox Treatment Costs
Question: I am receiving denials from my Medicare carrier when I report CPT 53899 (Unlist...
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You Be the Coder:
See Solid Sonography Reimbursements With 76775
Question: We use CPT 76775 for renal sonography the urologist performs for a Medicare pat...
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Available Years: