Urology Coding Alert

CPT 2000 Laparoscopy Codes Significant for Urology
Most notably for urologists, CPT 2000 includes laparoscopy as a separate procedure under... Read more
Diagnosis Coding Key to Getting Paid for Fertility Restoration
Like most fertility treatments, vasectomy reversal 55400 (vasovasostomy, vasovasorrhaphy) ... Read more
Payment for Biofeedback Training for Urinary Incontinence
As biofeedback training for the treatment of urinary incontinence is gaining in populari... Read more
Secure Reimbursement for Two-Surgeon Procedures
To secure reimbursement for the variety of procedures that call for two surgeons to work o... Read more
Reader Question:
Cystoscopy and Bladder Hydrodilation
Question: How do you code for a cystourethroscopy and bladder hydrodilation (52260) and cy... Read more
Reader Question:
Foley Catheter for Inpatient
Question: What CPT code do you use when the physician changes or inserts a Foley cathete... Read more
Reader Question:
Cystoscopy and Emergency Consult
Question: If a cystoscopy and an emergency consult must be performed on the same day, how ... Read more
Reader Question:
Vaporization and Coagulation as Separate Procedures
Question: Should 52647 (non-contact laser coagulation of prostate) and 52648 (contact lase... Read more
Reader Question:
Blood Draw
Question: What else, if anything, must be done by my nurse when drawing blood to qualify f... Read more
Available Years:  1999  

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