Tech & Innovation in Healthcare

Reader Questions:

Practice Good Cyber Hygiene to Keep Your Network Clean

Question: I keep hearing the term “cyber hygiene,” but I don’t know what it means.

Could you explain what the term means and why it’s important?

Oklahoma Subscriber

Answer: Cyber hygiene is what users of computers and connected devices do to boost their online security and ensure their system remains healthy. The term means that users of your network, such as staff, IT professionals, and healthcare providers, are all adopting safe practices when using devices attached to your healthcare practice’s network. The security-first mindset helps users and connected organizations reduce the chance of potential security breaches, attacks, and malware infections.

By continuing to provide cybersecurity education to your staff, you’ll help foster compliant cybersecurity habits, which encourage employees to stay aware of and vigilant against potential threats.

Education and best practices are only part of the game, though. Your practice’s IT team or professionals should also maintain the practice’s hardware and software with regular updates to help ensure vulnerabilities are patched and protected against outside threats.

You can also take advantage of various tools to improve your practice’s cyber hygiene, which include:

  • Password managers: Install password managers on connected devices to safely store each user’s complex passwords in a central location.
  • Network firewall: Block out unauthorized users from attempting to access your practice’s network, email servers, and patient records.
  • Antivirus software: Schedule and perform regular and automatic scans of devices to detect and remove malware, while also enjoy around-the-clock protection from new and emerging threats.
  • Multifactor authentication (MFA): Implement MFA to add another layer of protection to user access. In addition to the user’s password, MFA requires an additional key code, biometric authentication, or a badge to prove to the service the user is who they claim to be.