Question: We see several patients with type 2 diabetes who require regular insulin injections. Many of our patients have requested if there are systems that could anticipate their needs.
Are there options available for our patients?
Mississippi Subscriber
Answer: Several options exist in the market that can meet your patients’ needs, and here’s one example that comes to mind.
Recently, embecta received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 510(k) clearance for its disposable patch insulin delivery system. The system is designed for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
The wearable device features a 300-unit insulin reservoir to deliver adjustable bolus and basal insulin for up to three days. “The patch pump … accommodates people who have higher daily insulin needs, which is typically true of people with T2D,” embecta wrote in a press release.
The company is also developing a closed-loop version of the pump, which includes an insulin-dosing algorithm.
Mike Shaughnessy, BA, CPC, Development Editor I, AAPC