Radiology Coding Alert

You Be the Coder:

Verify Services Performed for HSG Coding


Which codes describe the radiologist's role in a hysterosalpingogram (HSG)?

Delaware Subscriber


The answer depends on whether the radiologist provides only imaging or also provides the surgical service.

For the imaging services, the appropriate code is typically 74740 (Hysterosalpingography, radiological supervision and interpretation).

The physician who performs the surgical service should report 58340 (Catheterization and introduction of saline or contrast material for saline infusion sonohysterography [SIS] or hysterosalpingography).

If the radiologist performs both services, you may report both codes, according to CPT Assistant (July 1999) and CPT's "Supervision and Interpretation" section of the "Radiology" guidelines.

Check for S&I: The radiologist must be present during the procedure to bill for "supervision." If the radiologist is not in the room for the procedure but performs the interpretation, you should report 74740 and append modifier 52 (Reduced services), directs Medicare Claims Processing Manual, chapter 13, section 80.1.

If the patient has the procedure in a hospital or facility setting, append modifier 26 (Professional component) to 74740, as well. You should not append modifier 26 to 58340 because, as a surgical service, it is not divided into professional and technical components.

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