Radiology Coding Alert

You Be the Coder:

Grasp Gastro Tube RS&I Concepts

Question: What code describes radiological supervision and interpretation for introducing a long gastrointestinal tube?

Montana Subscriber

Answer: The code you need is CPT 74340 (Introduction of long gastrointestinal tube [e.g., Miller-Abbott], including multiple fluoroscopies and films, radiological supervision and interpretation).

Typically, the radiologist will use fluoroscopy and at least one confirmatory film, but you use the same code whether the provider performs the procedure with or without fluoroscopy or with or without plain films--as long as the physician uses some form of imaging guidance.

The tube introduction may be part of a more complex service, in which case you won't code the tube introduction separately. But if you need to code the introduction on its own, report 44500 (Introduction of long gastrointestinal tube [e.g., Miller-Abbott] [separate procedure]).

Note: Introduction of a naso- or oro-gastric tube merits a different code, which includes radiological supervision and interpretation--43752 (Naso-ororo-gastric tube placement, requiring physician's skill and fluoroscopic guidance [includes fluoroscopy, image documentation and report]).

Use this code to report the less complicated placement of a traditional "NG" tube, which typically doesn't require imaging guidance.

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