Radiology Coding Alert

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Be Specific For Standing X-Ray of Knee With 73565

Question: Are there specific CPT® codes for weight bearing X-rays? Our physician obtained X-rays of the knee in the supine position and then again in a standing (weight bearing) position? Do we need any modifiers?

Ohio Subscriber

Answer: There are no separate X-ray codes for views obtained in weight bearing positions, nor is there any need for modifiers. For the knee joint, you count the number of views and not positions. However, you have a specific code for the standing position. You should report CPT® 73565 (Radiologic examination, knee; both knees, standing, anteroposterior) for the bilateral knee x-ray for AP view of the knees in standing position.

You will report 73565 only when the standing views are performed on their own. If the standing views are taken in combination with other views, then you should add the views together and choose your codes based on the total number of views for each knee.

Depending upon the number of views, you report code 73560 (Radiologic examination, knee; 1 or 2 views), 73562 (Radiologic examination, knee; 3 views), 73564 (Radiologic examination, knee; complete, 4 or more views), or 73565.

If the ordering physician requested a joint survey for a multijoint disorder and you obtained single views of two or more joints, 77077 (Joint survey, single view, two or more joints [specify]) might apply. In such cases, however, the radiology practice normally images each of the joints on separate films to improve diagnostic accuracy.