Radiology Coding Alert

You Be the Coder:

Apply Coding Skills to Barium Enema Case


The radiologist performed barium enema for a 4-year-old male patient with a history of encopresis and constipation. How should I report the procedure if the radiologist writes the following text in her notes:

TECHNIQUE: A single frontal scout radiograph of the abdomen was performed. A rectal tube was inserted in usual sterile fashion, and retrograde instillation of barium contrast was followed via spot fluoroscopic images. A post-evacuation overhead radiograph of the abdomen was performed.

FINDINGS: The scout radiograph demonstrates a nonobstructive gastrointestinal pattern. There are no suspicious calcifications seen or evidence of gross free intraperitoneal air. The visualized lung bases and osseous structures are within normal limits.

The rectum and colon is of normal caliber throughout its course. There is no evidence of obstruction, as contrast is seen to flow without difficulty into the right colon and cecum. A small amount of contrast is seen to opacify small bowel loops on the post-evacuation image. There is also opacification of a normal-appearing appendix documented.

Iowa Subscriber


Report this case as a commonly performed barium enema: 74270 (Radiologic examination, colon; contrast [e.g., barium enema, with or without KUB]).

Tip: Although you'll usually see barium or barium and air enemas, some physicians instead may choose a water-soluble solution that includes iodine. For example, if the physician suspects perforation of the colon, she'll choose a water-soluble contrast solution. Code 74270 would still be appropriate in that case.

For the ICD-9 codes, you should report:

787.6x -- Incontinence of feces (fifth digit will vary based on documentation)

564.00 -- Unspecified constipation. 

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